Web Interface to 'R' Functions

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Documentation for package ‘shinylight’ version 1.2

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browseTo Opens a browser to look at the server
downloadCsv Encodes a data frame as a CSV file to be downloaded
encodePlot Renders a plot as a base64-encoded image
encodePlotAs Renders a plot as a base64-encoded PNG
framework.shinylightFrameworkStart JavaScript function: Starts the Shinylight Framework, if you want to use it.
getAddress Obtains the address that the server is listening on
indexWithInit Get index.html with (potentially) the JSON data in 'text' inserted.
rrpcServer Makes and starts a server for serving R calculations
runR Returns a function that runs an R command
sendInfoText Sends informational text to the client.
sendProgress Sends a progress update to the client.
shinylight.call JavaScript function
shinylight.initialize JavaScript function
shinylight.makeTable JavaScript function
shinylight.passToOther JavaScript function
shinylight.runR JavaScript function: Runs an R function.
shinylight.setElementJson JavaScript function
shinylight.setElementPlot JavaScript function: Sets an '<img>' element to display a plot returned by 'runR'.
shinylight.setElementText JavaScript function
shinylight.setGridResult JavaScript function
shinylight.setGridResultWithNamedRows JavaScript function
slRunRServer Start a ShinyLight server which runs R that it is sent
slServer Start a ShinyLight server
slStop Stops a ShinyLight GUI
toolkit.all JavaScript function: Finds if a predicate is true for all members of an array or object.
toolkit.any JavaScript function: Finds if a predicate is true for any member of an array or object.
toolkit.banner JavaScript function
toolkit.button JavaScript function: Returns a button.
toolkit.deref JavaScript function: Dereferences an object or array through multiple indices.
toolkit.footer JavaScript function: A panel with a smaller footer.
toolkit.forEach JavaScript function
toolkit.groupTitle JavaScript function: Option group title
toolkit.header JavaScript function: A panel with a smaller header.
toolkit.HTMLContainerElement JavaScript class: A monkey-patched 'HTMLElement'.
toolkit.HTMLControlContainerElement JavaScript class
toolkit.HTMLControlElement JavaScript class
toolkit.HTMLPositionedElement JavaScript class: A monkey-patched 'HTMLElement' with some extra methods.
toolkit.image JavaScript function
toolkit.leftSideBar JavaScript function: A panel with a side bar.
toolkit.loadFileButton JavaScript function: Returns a button that uploads a file from the client.
toolkit.makeLabel JavaScript function: Makes a label suitable for labelling a control.
toolkit.nonScrollingWrapper JavaScript function: Returns a Positioned Element just containing one element.
toolkit.optionsPage JavaScript function: Returns a Container Element for displaying controls vertically.
toolkit.overlay JavaScript function: A panel with an overlay.
toolkit.pages JavaScript function: Returns a Positioned Element for displaying controls in tabbed pages.
toolkit.paramBoolean JavaScript function: Returns a checkbox input Toolkit Control.
toolkit.paramColor JavaScript function: Returns a colour input Toolkit Control.
toolkit.paramFloat JavaScript function: Returns a floating point input Toolkit Control.
toolkit.paramInteger JavaScript function: Returns an integer input Toolkit Control.
toolkit.paramSelector JavaScript function: Returns a custom selection box Toolkit Control.
toolkit.paramText JavaScript function: Returns a text input Toolkit Control.
toolkit.preformattedText JavaScript function: A static text Toolkit Control in a preformatted style.
toolkit.progressBar JavaScript function: Returns a Positioned Element progress bar.
toolkit.rightSideBar JavaScript function: A panel with a side bar.
toolkit.scrollingWrapper JavaScript function: Returns a Positioned Element just containing one element.
toolkit.setAsBody JavaScript function: Replaces the '<main>' tag in the document with this element.
toolkit.stack JavaScript function: Returns a Container Element for displaying controls vertically.
toolkit.staticText JavaScript function: A static text Toolkit Control.
toolkit.verticalDivide JavaScript function: Left/right panels with a draggable divider.
toolkit.whenQuiet JavaScript function: Transforms a function that should not be called too often into a function that can be called as often as you like.
toolkit.withTimeout JavaScript function: Adds a fake callback argument to a nullary function.