browseTo | Opens a browser to look at the server |
downloadCsv | Encodes a data frame as a CSV file to be downloaded |
encodePlot | Renders a plot as a base64-encoded image |
encodePlotAs | Renders a plot as a base64-encoded PNG |
framework.shinylightFrameworkStart | JavaScript function: Starts the Shinylight Framework, if you want to use it. |
getAddress | Obtains the address that the server is listening on |
indexWithInit | Get index.html with (potentially) the JSON data in 'text' inserted. |
rrpcServer | Makes and starts a server for serving R calculations |
runR | Returns a function that runs an R command |
sendInfoText | Sends informational text to the client. |
sendProgress | Sends a progress update to the client. | | JavaScript function |
shinylight.initialize | JavaScript function |
shinylight.makeTable | JavaScript function |
shinylight.passToOther | JavaScript function |
shinylight.runR | JavaScript function: Runs an R function. |
shinylight.setElementJson | JavaScript function |
shinylight.setElementPlot | JavaScript function: Sets an '<img>' element to display a plot returned by 'runR'. |
shinylight.setElementText | JavaScript function |
shinylight.setGridResult | JavaScript function |
shinylight.setGridResultWithNamedRows | JavaScript function |
slRunRServer | Start a ShinyLight server which runs R that it is sent |
slServer | Start a ShinyLight server |
slStop | Stops a ShinyLight GUI |
toolkit.all | JavaScript function: Finds if a predicate is true for all members of an array or object. |
toolkit.any | JavaScript function: Finds if a predicate is true for any member of an array or object. |
toolkit.banner | JavaScript function |
toolkit.button | JavaScript function: Returns a button. |
toolkit.deref | JavaScript function: Dereferences an object or array through multiple indices. |
toolkit.footer | JavaScript function: A panel with a smaller footer. |
toolkit.forEach | JavaScript function |
toolkit.groupTitle | JavaScript function: Option group title |
toolkit.header | JavaScript function: A panel with a smaller header. |
toolkit.HTMLContainerElement | JavaScript class: A monkey-patched 'HTMLElement'. |
toolkit.HTMLControlContainerElement | JavaScript class |
toolkit.HTMLControlElement | JavaScript class |
toolkit.HTMLPositionedElement | JavaScript class: A monkey-patched 'HTMLElement' with some extra methods. |
toolkit.image | JavaScript function |
toolkit.leftSideBar | JavaScript function: A panel with a side bar. |
toolkit.loadFileButton | JavaScript function: Returns a button that uploads a file from the client. |
toolkit.makeLabel | JavaScript function: Makes a label suitable for labelling a control. |
toolkit.nonScrollingWrapper | JavaScript function: Returns a Positioned Element just containing one element. |
toolkit.optionsPage | JavaScript function: Returns a Container Element for displaying controls vertically. |
toolkit.overlay | JavaScript function: A panel with an overlay. |
toolkit.pages | JavaScript function: Returns a Positioned Element for displaying controls in tabbed pages. |
toolkit.paramBoolean | JavaScript function: Returns a checkbox input Toolkit Control. |
toolkit.paramColor | JavaScript function: Returns a colour input Toolkit Control. |
toolkit.paramFloat | JavaScript function: Returns a floating point input Toolkit Control. |
toolkit.paramInteger | JavaScript function: Returns an integer input Toolkit Control. |
toolkit.paramSelector | JavaScript function: Returns a custom selection box Toolkit Control. |
toolkit.paramText | JavaScript function: Returns a text input Toolkit Control. |
toolkit.preformattedText | JavaScript function: A static text Toolkit Control in a preformatted style. |
toolkit.progressBar | JavaScript function: Returns a Positioned Element progress bar. |
toolkit.rightSideBar | JavaScript function: A panel with a side bar. |
toolkit.scrollingWrapper | JavaScript function: Returns a Positioned Element just containing one element. |
toolkit.setAsBody | JavaScript function: Replaces the '<main>' tag in the document with this element. |
toolkit.stack | JavaScript function: Returns a Container Element for displaying controls vertically. |
toolkit.staticText | JavaScript function: A static text Toolkit Control. |
toolkit.verticalDivide | JavaScript function: Left/right panels with a draggable divider. |
toolkit.whenQuiet | JavaScript function: Transforms a function that should not be called too often into a function that can be called as often as you like. |
toolkit.withTimeout | JavaScript function: Adds a fake callback argument to a nullary function. |