Custom Inputs Widgets for Shiny

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Documentation for package ‘shinyWidgets’ version 0.8.6

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shinyWidgets-package shinyWidgets: Custom inputs widgets for Shiny.

-- A --

actionBttn Awesome action button
actionGroupButtons Actions Buttons Group Inputs
addSpinner Display a spinner above an output when this one recalculate
airDatepicker Air Date Picker Input
airDatepickerInput Air Date Picker Input
airMonthpickerInput Air Date Picker Input
airYearpickerInput Air Date Picker Input
alert Bootstrap panel / alert
animateOptions Animate options
animations Animation names
appendVerticalTab Mutate Vertical Tabset Panel
applyWinBox WinBox
ask_confirmation Launch a confirmation dialog
autonumericInput Autonumeric Input Widget
awesomeCheckbox Awesome Checkbox Input Control
awesomeCheckboxGroup Awesome Checkbox Group Input Control
awesomeRadio Awesome Radio Buttons Input Control

-- B --

bootstrap-utils Bootstrap panel / alert

-- C --

checkboxGroupButtons Buttons Group checkbox Input Control
chooseSliderSkin Theme selector for 'sliderInput'
circleButton Circle Action button
closeSweetAlert Close Sweet Alert
closeWinBox WinBox
colorPickr Color Pickr
colorSelectorDrop Deprecated function
colorSelectorExample Color Selector Input
colorSelectorInput Color Selector Input
confirmSweetAlert Launch a confirmation dialog
create_tree Create choice structure for 'treeInput()'
currencyInput Format Numeric Inputs

-- D --

demoAirDatepicker Some examples on how to use airDatepickerInput
demoNoUiSlider Some examples on how to use noUiSliderInput
demoNumericRange An example showing how numericRangeInput works
demoVirtualSelect Demo for 'virtualSelectInput()'
deprecated Deprecated function
disableDropMenu Interact with Drop Menu
downloadBttn Create a download 'actionBttn'
drop-menu-interaction Interact with Drop Menu
dropdown Dropdown
dropdownButton Dropdown Button
dropMenu Drop Menu
dropMenuOptions Drop menu options

-- E --

enableDropMenu Interact with Drop Menu
execute_safely Execute an expression safely in server

-- F --

formatNumericInput Format Numeric Inputs

-- H --

hideDropMenu Interact with Drop Menu
html-dependencies HTML dependencies
html_dependency_awesome HTML dependencies
html_dependency_bsswitch HTML dependencies
html_dependency_bttn HTML dependencies
html_dependency_pretty HTML dependencies
html_dependency_sweetalert2 HTML dependencies
html_dependency_winbox Winbox JavaScript Dependencies

-- I --

inputSweetAlert Launch an input text dialog

-- K --

knobInput Knob Input

-- L --

list_group Bootstrap panel / alert

-- M --

materialSwitch Material Design Switch Input Control
multiInput Create a multiselect input control

-- N --

noUiSliderInput Numeric range slider
numericInputIcon Create a numeric input control with icon(s)
numericRangeInput Numeric Range Input

-- P --

panel Bootstrap panel / alert
pickerGroup-module Picker Group
pickerGroupServer Picker Group
pickerGroupUI Picker Group
pickerInput Select Picker Input Control
pickerOptions Options for 'pickerInput'
prepare_choices Prepare choices for 'virtualSelectInput()'
prettyCheckbox Pretty Checkbox Input
prettyCheckboxGroup Pretty Checkbox Group Input Control
prettyRadioButtons Pretty radio Buttons Input Control
prettySwitch Pretty Switch Input
prettyToggle Pretty Toggle Input
progress-bar Progress Bars
progressBar Progress Bars
progressSweetAlert Progress bar in a sweet alert

-- R --

radioGroupButtons Buttons Group Radio Input Control
removeVerticalTab Mutate Vertical Tabset Panel
reorderVerticalTabs Mutate Vertical Tabset Panel

-- S --

searchInput Search Input
selectizeGroup-module Selectize Group
selectizeGroupServer Selectize Group
selectizeGroupUI Selectize Group
sendSweetAlert Display a Sweet Alert to the user
setBackgroundColor Custom background color for your shinyapp
setBackgroundImage Custom background image for your shinyapp
setShadow Deprecated function
setSliderColor Deprecated function
shinyWidgets shinyWidgets: Custom inputs widgets for Shiny.
shinyWidgetsGallery Launch the shinyWidget Gallery
showDropMenu Interact with Drop Menu
show_alert Display a Sweet Alert to the user
show_toast Show a toast notification
sliderTextInput Slider Text Input Widget
spectrumInput Palette Color Picker with Spectrum Library
stati-card Minimal statistic cards
statiCard Minimal statistic cards
sweetalert Display a Sweet Alert to the user
sweetalert-confirmation Launch a confirmation dialog
switchInput Bootstrap Switch Input Control

-- T --

textInputAddon Text with Add-on Input Control
textInputIcon Create a text input control with icon(s)
time-input Time input
timeInput Time input
timepickerOptions Air Date Picker Input
toggleDropdownButton Toggle a dropdown menu
tooltipOptions Tooltip options
treeInput Tree Input Widget

-- U --

updateAirDateInput Change the value of 'airDatepickerInput()' on the client
updateAutonumericInput Update an Autonumeric Input Object
updateAwesomeCheckbox Change the value of an awesome checkbox input on the client
updateAwesomeCheckboxGroup Change the value of a 'awesomeCheckboxGroup' input on the client
updateAwesomeRadio Change the value of a radio input on the client
updateCheckboxGroupButtons Change the value of a checkboxes group buttons input on the client
updateColorPickr Update color pickr server-side
updateCurrencyInput Update a Formatted Numeric Input Widget
updateFormatNumericInput Update a Formatted Numeric Input Widget
updateKnobInput Change the value of a knob input on the client
updateMaterialSwitch Change the value of a materialSwitch input on the client
updateMultiInput Change the value of a multi input on the client
updateNoUiSliderInput Change the value of a no ui slider input on the client
updateNumericInputIcon Change the value of a numeric input icon on the client
updateNumericRangeInput Change the value of a numeric range input
updatePickerInput Change the value of a select picker input on the client
updatePrettyCheckbox Change the value of a pretty checkbox on the client
updatePrettyCheckboxGroup Change the value of a pretty checkbox on the client
updatePrettyRadioButtons Change the value pretty radio buttons on the client
updatePrettySwitch Change the value of a pretty switch on the client
updatePrettyToggle Change the value of a pretty toggle on the client
updateProgressBar Progress Bars
updateRadioGroupButtons Change the value of a radio group buttons input on the client
updateSearchInput Change the value of a search input on the client
updateSliderTextInput Change the value of a slider text input on the client
updateSpectrumInput Change the value of a spectrum input on the client
updateStatiCard Minimal statistic cards
updateSwitchInput Change the value of a switch input on the client
updateTextInputIcon Change the value of a text input icon on the client
updateTimeInput Time input
updateTreeInput Update Tree Input
updateVerticalTabsetPanel Update selected vertical tab
updateVirtualSelect Update virtual select from server
useArgonDash Deprecated function
useBs4Dash Deprecated function
useShinydashboard Deprecated function
useShinydashboardPlus Deprecated function
useSweetAlert Load Sweet Alert dependencies
useTablerDash Deprecated function

-- V --

vertical-tab Vertical tab panel
verticalTabPanel Vertical tab panel
verticalTabsetPanel Vertical tab panel
virtualSelectInput Virtual Select Input

-- W --

wbControls WinBox controls
wbOptions WinBox Options
WinBox WinBox
wNumbFormat Format numbers in noUiSliderInput