Spatial Dependence for Simple Features

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Documentation for package ‘sfdep’ version 0.2.4

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activate Activate spacetime context
active Activate spacetime context
as_sf Cast between 'spacetime' and 'sf' classes
as_spacetime Cast between 'spacetime' and 'sf' classes
as_spacetime.sf Cast between 'spacetime' and 'sf' classes
center_mean Calculate Center Mean Point
center_median Calculate Center Mean Point
complete_spacetime_cube Convert spacetime object to spacetime cube
cond_permute_nb Conditional permutation of neighbors
critical_threshold Identify critical threshold
ellipse Create an Ellipse
emerging_hotspot_analysis Emerging Hot Spot Analysis
euclidean_median Calculate Center Mean Point
find_xj Identify xj values
global_c Compute Geary's C
global_colocation Global Colocation Quotient
global_c_perm Global C Permutation Test
global_c_test Global C Test
global_g_test Getis-Ord Global G
global_jc_perm Global Join Counts
global_jc_test Global Join Counts
global_moran Calculate Global Moran's I
global_moran_bv Compute the Global Bivariate Moran's I
global_moran_perm Global Moran Permutation Test
global_moran_test Global Moran Test
group_by.spacetime tidyverse methods for spacetime objects
guerry "Essay on the Moral Statistics of France" data set.
guerry_nb "Essay on the Moral Statistics of France" data set.
include_self Includes self in neighbor list
is.spacetime Construct a 'spacetime' object
is_spacetime Construct a 'spacetime' object
is_spacetime_cube Test if a spacetime object is a spacetime cube
local_c Compute Local Geary statistic
local_colocation Local indicator of Colocation Quotient
local_c_perm Compute Local Geary statistic
local_g Local G
local_gstar Local G*
local_gstar_perm Local G*
local_g_perm Local G
local_jc_bv Bivariate local join count
local_jc_uni Compute local univariate join count
local_moran Calculate the Local Moran's I Statistic
local_moran_bv Compute the Local Bivariate Moran's I Statistic
losh Local spatial heteroscedacity
losh_perm Local spatial heteroscedacity
mutate.spacetime tidyverse methods for spacetime objects
nb_as_matrix Convert neighbor or weights list to matrix
nb_intersect Set Operations
nb_match_test Local Neighbor Match Test
nb_setdiff Set Operations
nb_union Set Operations
new_spacetime Construct a 'spacetime' object
node_get_edge_col Create node features from edges
node_get_edge_list Create node features from edges
node_get_nbs Create node features from edges
pairwise_colocation Pairwise Colocation Quotient
pct_nonzero Percent Non-zero Neighbors
recreate_listw Create a listw object from a neighbors and weight list
remove_self Includes self in neighbor list
set_col Set columns from 'geometry' to 'data'
set_nbs Set columns from 'geometry' to 'data'
set_wts Set columns from 'geometry' to 'data'
spacetime Construct a 'spacetime' object
spatial_gini Spatial Gini Index
spt_update Update spacetime attributes
std_dev_ellipse Calculation Standard Deviational Ellipse
std_distance Calculate standard distance
st_as_edges Convert to an edge lines object
st_as_edges.sf Convert to an edge lines object
st_as_edges.sfc Convert to an edge lines object
st_as_graph Create an sfnetwork
st_as_graph.sf Create an sfnetwork
st_as_graph.sfc Create an sfnetwork
st_as_nodes Convert to a node point object
st_as_nodes.sf Convert to a node point object
st_as_nodes.sfc Convert to a node point object
st_block_nb Create Block Contiguity for Spatial Regimes
st_cardinalties Calculate neighbor cardinalities
st_complete_nb Create Neighbors as Complete Graph
st_contiguity Identify polygon neighbors
st_dist_band Neighbors from a distance band
st_ellipse Create an Ellipse
st_inverse_distance Calculate inverse distance weights
st_kernel_weights Calculate Kernel Weights
st_knn Calculate K-Nearest Neighbors
st_lag Calculate spatial lag
st_nb_apply Apply a function to neighbors
st_nb_delaunay Graph based neighbors
st_nb_dists Calculate neighbor distances
st_nb_gabriel Graph based neighbors
st_nb_lag Pure Higher Order Neighbors
st_nb_lag_cumul Encompassing Higher Order Neighbors
st_nb_relative Graph based neighbors
st_weights Calculate spatial weights
szero Global sum of weights
tally_jc Global Join Counts
tidyverse tidyverse methods for spacetime objects
ungroup.spacetime tidyverse methods for spacetime objects
validate_spacetime Construct a 'spacetime' object
wt_as_matrix Convert neighbor or weights list to matrix