computeLogLikelihood |
Compute the log-likelihood. |
copyLogProposals |
Initialise the vector of Metropolis-Hastings proposals. |
effectiveSampleSize |
Compute the effective sample size (ESS) of the particles. |
fitSpectraMCMC |
Fit the model using Markov chain Monte Carlo. |
fitSpectraSMC |
Fit the model using Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC). |
fitVoigtIBIS |
Fit the model with Voigt peaks using iterated batch importance sampling (IBIS). |
fitVoigtPeaksSMC |
Fit the model with Voigt peaks using Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC). |
getBsplineBasis |
Compute cubic B-spline basis functions for the given wavenumbers. |
getVoigtParam |
Compute the pseudo-Voigt mixing ratio for each peak. |
lsTamra |
Surface-enhanced Raman spectram of tetramethylrhodamine+DNA (T20) |
marginalMetropolisUpdate |
Update all of the parameters using a single Metropolis-Hastings step. |
methanol |
Raman spectrum of methanol (CH3OH) |
mhUpdateVoigt |
Update the parameters of the Voigt peaks using marginal Metropolis-Hastings. |
mixedVoigt |
Compute the spectral signature using Voigt peaks. |
resampleParticles |
Resample in place to avoid expensive copying of data structures, using a permutation of the ancestry vector. |
residualResampling |
Compute an ancestry vector for residual resampling of the SMC particles. |
result |
SMC particles for TAMRA+DNA (T20) |
result2 |
SMC particles for methanol (CH3OH) |
reWeightParticles |
Update the importance weights of each particle. |
serrsBayes |
Bayesian modelling and quantification of Raman spectroscopy |
sumDexp |
Sum log-likelihoods of i.i.d. exponential. |
sumDlogNorm |
Sum log-likelihoods of i.i.d. lognormal. |
sumDnorm |
Sum log-likelihoods of Gaussian. |
weightedGaussian |
Compute the spectral signature using Gaussian peaks. |
weightedLorentzian |
Compute the spectral signature using Lorentzian peaks. |
weightedMean |
Compute the weighted arithmetic means of the particles. |
weightedVariance |
Compute the weighted variance of the particles. |