censTrial {seqDesign}R Documentation

Generation of Pre-Unblinded Follow-Up Data-Sets by Applying the Monitoring Outcomes


censTrial ‘correctly censors’ treatment arms in data-sets generated by simTrial by including pre-unblinded follow-up data only according to the monitoring conclusions as reported by monitorTrial.


censTrial(dataFile, monitorFile, stage1, stage2, saveFile = NULL,
  saveDir = NULL, verbose = TRUE)



if saveDir = NULL, a list returned by simTrial; otherwise a name (character string) of an .RData file created by simTrial


if saveDir = NULL, a list returned by monitorTrial; otherwise a name (character string) of an .RData file created by monitorTrial


the final week of stage 1 in a two-stage trial


the final week of stage 2 in a two-stage trial, i.e., the maximum follow-up time


a character string specifying the name of the output .RData file. If NULL (default), a default file name will be used.


a character string specifying a path for both dataFile and monitorFile. If supplied, the output is also saved as an .RData file in this directory; otherwise the output is returned as a list.


a logical value indicating whether information on the output directory and file name should be printed out (default is TRUE)


All time variables use week as the unit of time. Month is defined as 52/12 weeks.

The following censoring rules are applied to each data-set generated by simTrial:


If saveDir is specified, the output list (named trialListCensor) is saved as an .RData file in saveDir (the path to saveDir is printed); otherwise it is returned. The output object is a list of length equal to the number of simulated trials, each of which is a data.frame with at least the variables trt, entry, exit, and event storing the treatment assignments, enrollment times, correctly censored study exit times, and event indicators, respectively. If available, indicators belonging to the per-protocol cohort (named pp1, pp2, etc.) are copied from the uncensored data-sets.

See Also

simTrial, monitorTrial, and rankTrial


simData <- simTrial(N=c(1000, rep(700, 2)), aveVE=seq(0, 0.4, by=0.2), 
                    VEmodel="half", vePeriods=c(1, 27, 79), enrollPeriod=78, 
                    enrollPartial=13, enrollPartialRelRate=0.5, dropoutRate=0.05, 
                    infecRate=0.04, fuTime=156, 
                    visitSchedule=c(0, (13/3)*(1:4), seq(13*6/3, 156, by=13*2/3)),
                    missVaccProb=c(0,0.05,0.1,0.15), VEcutoffWeek=26, nTrials=5, 
                    stage1=78, randomSeed=300)

monitorData <- monitorTrial(dataFile=simData, stage1=78, stage2=156, 
                            harmMonitorRange=c(10,100), alphaPerTest=NULL, 
                            nonEffStartMethod="FKG", nonEffInterval=20, 
                            lowerVEnoneff=0, upperVEnoneff=0.4, highVE=0.7, 
                            stage1VE=0, lowerVEuncPower=0, alphaNoneff=0.05, 
                            alphaHigh=0.05, alphaStage1=0.05, 
                            alphaUncPower=0.05, estimand="cuminc", lagTime=26)

censData <- censTrial(dataFile=simData, monitorFile=monitorData, stage1=78, stage2=156)

### alternatively, to save the .RData output file (no '<-' needed):
### simTrial(N=c(1400, rep(1000, 2)), aveVE=seq(0, 0.4, by=0.2), VEmodel="half", 
###          vePeriods=c(1, 27, 79), enrollPeriod=78, enrollPartial=13, 
###          enrollPartialRelRate=0.5, dropoutRate=0.05, infecRate=0.04, fuTime=156, 
###          visitSchedule=c(0, (13/3)*(1:4), seq(13*6/3, 156, by=13*2/3)), 
###          missVaccProb=c(0,0.05,0.1,0.15), VEcutoffWeek=26, nTrials=30, 
###          stage1=78, saveDir="./", randomSeed=300)
### monitorTrial(dataFile=
###              "simTrial_nPlac=1400_nVacc=1000_1000_aveVE=0.2_0.4_infRate=0.04.RData", 
###              stage1=78, stage2=156, harmMonitorRange=c(10,100), alphaPerTest=NULL, 
###              nonEffStartMethod="FKG", nonEffInterval=20, lowerVEnoneff=0, 
###              upperVEnoneff=0.4, highVE=0.7, stage1VE=0, lowerVEuncPower=0, 
###              alphaNoneff=0.05, alphaHigh=0.05, alphaStage1=0.05, alphaUncPower=0.05, 
###              estimand="cuminc", lagTime=26, saveDir="./")
### censTrial(dataFile=
###          "simTrial_nPlac=1400_nVacc=1000_1000_aveVE=0.2_0.4_infRate=0.04.RData",
###          monitorFile=
###          "monitorTrial_nPlac=1400_nVacc=1000_1000_aveVE=0.2_0.4_infRate=0.04_cuminc.RData",
###          stage1=78, stage2=156, saveDir="./")

[Package seqDesign version 1.2 Index]