Tools for Joint Sentiment and Topic Analysis of Textual Data

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Documentation for package ‘sentopics’ version 0.7.3

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sentopics-package Tools for joining sentiment and topic analysis (sentopics)
as.LDA Conversions from other packages to LDA
as.LDA.keyATM_output Conversions from other packages to LDA
as.LDA.LDA_Gibbs Conversions from other packages to LDA
as.LDA.LDA_VEM Conversions from other packages to LDA
as.LDA.STM Conversions from other packages to LDA
as.LDA.textmodel_lda Conversions from other packages to LDA
as.LDA_lda Conversions from other packages to LDA
as.tokens.dfm Convert back a dfm to a tokens object
chainsDistances Distances between topic models (chains)
chainsScores Compute scores of topic models (chains)
coherence Coherence of estimated topics
compute_PicaultRenault_scores Compute scores using the Picault-Renault lexicon
ECB_press_conferences Corpus of press conferences from the European Central Bank
ECB_press_conferences_tokens Tokenized press conferences
fit.JST Estimate a topic model
fit.LDA Estimate a topic model
fit.multiChains Estimate a topic model
fit.rJST Estimate a topic model
fit.sentopicmodel Estimate a topic model
get_ECB_press_conferences Download press conferences from the European Central Bank
get_ECB_speeches Download and pre-process speeches from the European Central Bank
grow Estimate a topic model
grow.JST Estimate a topic model
grow.LDA Estimate a topic model
grow.multiChains Estimate a topic model
grow.rJST Estimate a topic model
grow.sentopicmodel Estimate a topic model
JST Create a Joint Sentiment/Topic model
LDA Create a Latent Dirichlet Allocation model
LDAvis Visualize a LDA model using 'LDAvis'
LoughranMcDonald Loughran-McDonald lexicon
melt Replacement generic for 'data.table::melt()'
melt.sentopicmodel Melt for sentopicmodels
mergeTopics Merge topics into fewer themes
PicaultRenault Picault-Renault lexicon
PicaultRenault_data Regression dataset based on Picault & Renault (2017)
plot.multiChains Plot the distances between topic models (chains)
plot.sentopicmodel Plot a topic model using Plotly
plot_proportion_topics Compute the topic or sentiment proportion time series
plot_sentiment_breakdown Breakdown the sentiment into topical components
plot_sentiment_topics Compute time series of topical sentiments
plot_topWords Extract the most representative words from topics
print.JST Print method for sentopics models
print.LDA Print method for sentopics models
print.rJST Print method for sentopics models
print.sentopicmodel Print method for sentopics models
proportion_topics Compute the topic or sentiment proportion time series
reset Re-initialize a topic model
rJST Create a Reversed Joint Sentiment/Topic model
rJST.default Create a Reversed Joint Sentiment/Topic model
rJST.LDA Create a Reversed Joint Sentiment/Topic model
sentiment_breakdown Breakdown the sentiment into topical components
sentiment_series Compute a sentiment time series
sentiment_topics Compute time series of topical sentiments
sentopics Tools for joining sentiment and topic analysis (sentopics)
sentopics_date Internal date
sentopics_date<- Internal date
sentopics_labels Setting topic or sentiment labels
sentopics_labels<- Setting topic or sentiment labels
sentopics_sentiment Internal sentiment
sentopics_sentiment<- Internal sentiment
topWords Extract the most representative words from topics