dbImportStudies {sendigR}R Documentation

Import SEND study data in SAS xport format into a SEND database from a hierarchy study folders.


For each non-empty folder below the specified root folder, the actions to import a set of SAS xpt files into the opened SQLlite database described for function dbImportOneStudy.


  overWrite = FALSE,
  checkRequiredVars = TRUE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  logFilePath = NULL



Token for the open database connection (see initEnvironment).


Mandatory, character
Root location of a set of sub folders - each sub folder with a set of SAS xport files for one study to import.
The folder tree is traversed recursively - i.e. a multilevel folder hierarchy is allowed.


Mandatory, boolean
Whether an already existing study in the database may be overwritten by newly imported data.


Mandatory, boolean
Whether not-required domains are checked for existence and content of required variables


Mandatory, boolean
Whether the status of the import shall be continuously written to the console for for each processed sub folder.


Optional, character
A path to a folder to contain a log file with the status of the import for each processed sub folder.
The name of the log file is logFilePath/dbImportStudies_<date & time>.log where <date & time> is the actual date and time in format YYYYmmdd_HH24MISS - e.g. dbImportStudies_20210323_084150.log if the function was called 23. March 2021 at 8:41:50


The status for the processing of each sub folder is caught and returned as described below.
If parameter verbose = TRUE, the status for each processed sub folder is also printed to the console each time a sub folder has been processed - i.e. it's possible to followed the progress of the import process. If parameter logFilePath has been specified with an existing path to a folder, the status for each processed sub folder is also printed to a log file in this folder each time a sub folder has been processed.

The database must be an SQLite database - no other types of databases are supported by this function.


A list containing a named element with the import status for each of the processed sub folders.
Each of the statuses are one of three variants:


## Not run: 
# Import studies from a set of folders - do not allow to overwrite
# existing study data in the database, follow the progress
dbImportStudies(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/studies', verbose = TRUE)
# Import studies from another set of folders - allow to overwrite existing
# study data in the database
dbImportStudies(myDbToken,'/mydatapath/project123/studies', overwrite = TRUE)
# Import studies from a set of folders , save the status of each study load
# in a log file
                logFilePath = '/my/log file/path')

## End(Not run)

[Package sendigR version 1.0.0 Index]