standardizedSolution_boot_ci {semhelpinghands}R Documentation

Bootstrap CIs for Standardized Solution


Functions for forming bootstrap confidence intervals for the standardized solution.


  level = 0.95,
  type = "std.all",
  save_boot_est_std = TRUE,
  force_run = FALSE,
  boot_delta_ratio = FALSE,

store_boot_est_std(object, type = "std.all", force_run = FALSE, ...)




A lavaan object, fitted with 'se = "boot"'.


The level of confidence of the confidence intervals. Default is .95.


The type of standard estimates. The same argument of lavaan::standardizedSolution(), and support all values supported by lavaan::standardizedSolution(). Default is "std.all".


Whether the bootstrap estimates of the standardized solution are saved. If saved, they will be stored in the attribute boot_est_std. Default is TRUE.


If TRUE, will skip checks and run models without checking the estimates. For internal use. Default is FALSE.


The ratio of (a) the distance of the bootstrap confidence limit from the point estimate to (b) the distance of the delta-method limit from the point estimate. Default is FALSE.


Other arguments to be passed to lavaan::standardizedSolution().


standardizedSolution_boot_ci() receives a lavaan::lavaan object fitted with bootstrapping standard errors requested and forms the confidence intervals for the standardized solution.

It works by calling lavaan::standardizedSolution() with the bootstrap estimates of free parameters in each bootstrap sample to compute the standardized estimates in each sample.

A more reliable way is to use function like lavaan::bootstrapLavaan(). Nevertheless, this simple function is good enough for some simple scenarios, and does not require repeating the bootstrapping step.

store_boot_est_std() computes the standardized solution for each bootstrap sample, stores them the lavaan::lavaan object, and returns it. These estimates can be used by other functions, such as plot_boot(), to examine the estimates, without the need to repeat the computation.

get_boot_est_std() retrieves the bootstrap estimates of the standardized solution stored by store_boot_est_std().


The output of lavaan::standardizedSolution(), with bootstrap confidence intervals appended to the right, with class set to std_solution_boot (since version It has a print method (print.std_solution_boot()) that can be used to print the standardized solution in a format similar to that of the printout of the summary() of a lavaan::lavaan object.

store_boot_est_std() returns the fit object set to object, with the bootstrap values of standardized solution in the bootstrap samples, as a matrix, stored in the slot external under the name shh_boot_est_std.

get_boot_est_std() returns a matrix of the stored bootstrap estimates of standardized solution. If none is stored, NULL is returned.

store_boot_est_std() is usually used with diagnostic functions such as plot_boot().


Shu Fai Cheung Originally proposed in an issue at GitHub, inspired by a discussion at the Google group for lavaan is used to form the percentile confidence intervals in this version.

See Also

lavaan::standardizedSolution(), plot_boot()


n <- 50
x <- runif(n) - .5
m <- .40 * x + rnorm(n, 0, sqrt(1 - .40))
y <- .30 * m + rnorm(n, 0, sqrt(1 - .30))
dat <- data.frame(x = x, y = y, m = m)
model <-
m ~ a*x
y ~ b*m
ab := a*b

# Should set bootstrap to at least 2000 in real studies
fit <- sem(model, data = dat, fixed.x = FALSE,
           se = "boot",
           bootstrap = 100)

std <- standardizedSolution_boot_ci(fit)

# Print in a friendly format with only standardized solution
print(std, output = "text")

# Print in a friendly format with both unstandardized
# and standardized solution
print(std, output = "text", standardized_only = FALSE)

# store_boot_est_std() is usually used with plot_boot()
# First, store the bootstrap estimates of the
# standardized solution
fit_with_boot_std <- store_boot_est_std(fit)
# Second, plot the distribution of the bootstrap estimates of
# standardized 'ab'
plot_boot(fit_with_boot_std, "ab", standardized = TRUE)

[Package semhelpinghands version 0.1.11 Index]