segmenTier-package |
segmenTier : cluster-based segmentation from a sequential clustering |
ash |
'asinh' data transformation |
backtrace |
Back-tracing step of the 'segmenTier' algorithm. |
calculateScore |
segmenTier's core dynamic programming routine in Rcpp |
clusterCor_c |
Calculates position-cluster correlations for scoring function "icor". |
clusterTimeseries |
Cluster a processed time-series with k-means. |
colorClusters |
Assign colors to clusters. |
flowclusterTimeseries |
Cluster a processed time-series with 'flowClust' & 'flowMerge'. |
logLik.kmeans |
Experimental: AIC/BIC for kmeans |
log_1 |
log transformation handling zeros by adding 1 |
myPearson |
Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient |
plot.clustering |
Plot method for the "clustering" object. |
plot.segments |
Plot method for the "segments" object. |
plot.timeseries |
Plot method for the "timeseries" object. |
plotdev |
Switch between plot devices. |
plotSegmentation |
Summary plot for the 'segmenTier' pipeline. |
print.segments |
Print method for segmentation result from 'segmentClusters'. |
processTimeseries |
Process a time-series for clustering and segmentation. |
segmentCluster.batch |
Batch wrapper for 'segmentClusters'. |
segmentClusters |
Run the 'segmenTier' algorithm. |
segmenTier |
segmenTier : cluster-based segmentation from a sequential clustering |
setVarySettings |
Parameters for 'segmentCluster.batch'. |
sortClusters |
Sort clusters by similarity. |
tsd |
Transcriptome time-series from budding yeast. |