add_github_user {secret}R Documentation

Add a user via their GitHub username.


On GitHub, a user can upload multiple keys. This function will download the first key by default, but you can change this


add_github_user(github_user, email = NULL, vault = NULL, i = 1)



User name on GitHub.


Email address of the github user. If NULL, constructs an email as ⁠github-<<github_user>>⁠


Vault location (starting point to find the vault). To create a vault, use create_vault() or create_package_vault(). If this is NULL, then secret tries to find the vault automatically:

  • If the secret.vault option is set to path, that is used as the starting point.

  • Otherwise, if the R_SECRET_VAULT environment variable is set to a path, that is used as a starting point.

  • Otherwise the current working directory is used as the starting point.

If the starting point is a vault, that is used. Otherwise, if the starting point is in a package tree, the inst/vault folder is used within the package. If no vault can be found, an error is thrown.


Integer, indicating which GitHub key to use (if more than one GitHub key exists).

See Also


Other user functions: add_travis_user(), add_user(), delete_user(), list_users()


## Not run: 
vault <- file.path(tempdir(), ".vault")

add_github_user("hadley", vault = vault)
list_users(vault = vault)
delete_user("github-hadley", vault = vault)

## End(Not run)

[Package secret version 1.1.0 Index]