Share Sensitive Information in R Packages

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Documentation for package ‘secret’ version 1.1.0

Help Pages

secret-package Share Sensitive Information in R Packages.
add_github_user Add a user via their GitHub username.
add_secret Add a new secret to the vault.
add_travis_user Add a user via their Travis repo.
add_user Add a new user to the vault.
create_package_vault Create a vault, as a folder or in an R package.
create_vault Create a vault, as a folder or in an R package.
delete_secret Remove a secret from the vault.
delete_user Delete a user.
get_github_key Get the SSH public key of a GitHub user
get_secret Retrieve a secret from the vault.
get_travis_key Retrieve the public key of a Travis CI repository
list_owners List users that have access to a secret
list_secrets List all secrets.
list_users List users
local_key Read local secret key.
secret Share Sensitive Information in R Packages.
share_secret Share a secret among some users.
unshare_secret Unshare a secret among some users.
update_secret Update a secret in the vault.