Lambda {secrdesign}R Documentation

Expected Detections


Compute the expected number of detections as a function of location (Lambda), and the expected total numbers of individuals nn, recaptures rr and movements mm for a population sampled with an array of detectors (Enrm) or the number of individuals detected at two or more detectors (En2).


Lambda(traps, mask, detectpar, noccasions, detectfn = c("HHN", "HHR", "HEX", 
    "HAN", "HCG", 'HN', 'HR', 'EX'))
Enrm(D, ...)

minnrRSE(D, ..., CF = 1.0, distribution = c("poisson","binomial"))

En2(D, traps, mask, detectpar, noccasions, detectfn = c("HHN", "HHR", "HEX", 
    "HAN", "HCG", "HN", "HR", "EX"))

Qpm(D, traps, mask, detectpar, noccasions, detectfn = c("HHN", "HHR", "HEX", 
    "HAN", "HCG", "HN", "HR", "EX"))



traps object


mask object


a named list giving a value for each parameter of detection function


integer number of sampling occasions


integer code or character string for shape of detection function – see detectfn


population density animals / hectare; may be scalar or vector of length nrow(mask)


arguments passed to Lambda


numeric correction factor


character distribution of nn


The detector attribute of traps may be ‘multi’, ‘proximity’ or ‘count’. It is assumed that detectpar and detector type do not differ among occasions.

The calculation is based on an additive hazard model. If detectfn is not a hazard function (‘HHN’, ‘HEX’, ‘HHR’, ‘HAN’ and ‘HCG’) then an attempt is made to approximate one of the hazard functions (HN -> HHN, HR -> HHR, EX -> HEX). The default is ‘HHN’.

For hazard function λ(d)\lambda(d) and SS occasions, we define Λ(x)=skλ(dk(x))\Lambda(x) = \sum_s \sum_k \lambda(d_k(x)).

Formulae for expected counts are given in secrdesign-Enrm.pdf.

minnrRSE has mostly the same inputs as Enrm but returns sqrt(CF/min(n,r)). The correction factor CF may be used to adjust for systematic bias (e.g., for a line of detectors CF = 1.4 may be appropriate). The default distribution = 'poisson' is for Poisson-distributed NN and nn. To adjust the prediction for fixed NN (binomial nn) use distribution = 'binomial' (see ../doc/secrdesign-tools.pdf Appendix 2).

From 2.7.0, the first argument of minnrRSE may also be the output from GAoptim.

En2 is defined for detectors ‘multi’, ‘proximity’ and ‘count’.

Qpm returns the optimisation criteria QpQ_p and QpmQ_{p_m} of Dupont et al. (2021), defined only for ‘proximity’ and ‘count’ detectors. The criteria are mask-dependent, and En2 is generally preferred. For ‘proximity’ and ‘count’ detectors the following expressions give the same result:

En2(D, trp, msk, dp)

Qpm(D, trp, msk, dp) * maskarea(msk) * D

given constant density ‘D’, detectors ‘trp’, mask ‘msk’ and detection parameters ‘dp’.


Lambdamask object with covariates ‘Lambda’ (Λ(x)\Lambda(x)), ‘sumpk’ and ‘sumq2’ (intermediate values for computation of expected counts - see ../doc/expectedcounts.pdf)

Enrm – numeric vector of length 3, the values of E(nn), E(rr) and E(mm)

minnrRSE – rule-of-thumb RSE(D-hat) Efford and Boulanger (2019)

En2 – numeric vector comprising the values E(nn) and E(number of animals detected at 2 or more sites)

Qpm – numeric vector comprising the criteria QpQ_p and QpmQ_{p_m} of Dupont et al. (2021)


Dupont, G., Royle, J. A., Nawaz, M. A. and Sutherland, C. (2021) Optimal sampling design for spatial capture–recapture. Ecology 102 e03262.

Efford, M. G., and Boulanger, J. (2019) Fast evaluation of study designs for spatially explicit capture–recapture. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 1529–1535. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.13239

See Also

getdetectpar, optimalSpacing, scenarioSummary, GAoptim


tr <- traps(captdata)
detector(tr) <- "multi"
msk <- make.mask(tr, buffer = 100, type = 'trapbuffer')

L <- Lambda(tr, msk, list(lambda0 = 0.2, sigma = 20), 5)
nrm <- Enrm(D = 5, tr, msk, list(lambda0 = 0.2, sigma = 20), 5)

En2(D = 5, tr, msk, list(lambda0 = 0.2, sigma = 20), 5)

plot(L, cov = "Lambda", dots = FALSE)
plot(tr, add = TRUE)
mtext(side = 3,  paste(paste(names(nrm), round(nrm,1)), collapse = ", "))

[Package secrdesign version 2.9.1 Index]