Spatial and Spatiotemporal SPDE-Based GLMMs with 'TMB'

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Documentation for package ‘sdmTMB’ version 0.5.0

Help Pages

add_utm_columns Add UTM coordinates to a data frame
dharma_residuals DHARMa residuals
dogfish Example fish survey data
Effect.sdmTMB Calculate effects
emmeans.sdmTMB Estimated marginal means with the 'emmeans' package with 'sdmTMB'
gather_sims Extract parameter simulations from the joint precision matrix
get_cog Extract a relative biomass/abundance index or a center of gravity
get_crs Add UTM coordinates to a data frame
get_index Extract a relative biomass/abundance index or a center of gravity
get_index_sims Calculate a population index via simulation from the joint precision matrix
get_pars Get TMB parameter list
halfnormal Prior distributions
hbll_s_grid Example fish survey data
make_mesh Construct an SPDE mesh for sdmTMB
mvnormal Prior distributions
normal Prior distributions
pcod Example fish survey data
pcod_2011 Example fish survey data
pcod_mesh_2011 Example fish survey data
pc_matern Prior distributions
plot.sdmTMBmesh Construct an SPDE mesh for sdmTMB
plot_anisotropy Plot anisotropy from an sdmTMB model
plot_anisotropy2 Plot anisotropy from an sdmTMB model
plot_pc_matern Plot PC Matérn priors
plot_smooth Plot a smooth term from an sdmTMB model
predict.sdmTMB Predict from an sdmTMB model
qcs_grid Example fish survey data
replicate_df Replicate a prediction data frame over time
residuals.sdmTMB Residuals method for sdmTMB models
run_extra_optimization Run extra optimization on an already fitted object
sanity Sanity check of an sdmTMB model
sdmTMB Fit a spatial or spatiotemporal GLMM with TMB
sdmTMBcontrol Optimization control options
sdmTMBpriors Prior distributions
sdmTMB_cv Cross validation with sdmTMB models
sdmTMB_simulate Simulate from a spatial/spatiotemporal model
sdmTMB_stacking Perform stacking with log scores on 'sdmTMB_cv()' output
set_delta_model Set delta model for 'ggeffects::ggpredict()'
simulate.sdmTMB Simulate from a fitted sdmTMB model
spread_sims Extract parameter simulations from the joint precision matrix
tidy.sdmTMB Turn sdmTMB model output into a tidy data frame
visreg2d_delta Plot sdmTMB models with the 'visreg' package
visreg_delta Plot sdmTMB models with the 'visreg' package
wcvi_grid Example fish survey data
yelloweye Example fish survey data