dimInfo-class {sdcTable}R Documentation

S4 class describing a dimInfo-object


An object of class dimInfo holds all necessary information about the dimensional variables defining a hierarchical table that needs to be protected.


slot dimInfo:

a list (or NULL) with all list elements being objects of class dimVar

slot strID:

a character vector (or NULL) defining IDs that identify each table cell. The ID's are based on (default) codes of the dimensional variables defining a cell.

slot strInfo:

a list object (or NULL) with each list element being a numeric vector of length 2 defining the start and end-digit that is allocated by the i-th dimensional variable in ID-codes available in slot strID

slot vNames:

a character vector (or NULL) defining the variable names of the dimensional variables defining the table structure

slot posIndex:

a numeric vector (or NULL) holding the position of the dimensional variables within slot rawData of class dataObj


objects of class dimInfo are input for slots in classes sdcProblem and safeObj


Bernhard Meindl bernhard.meindl@statistik.gv.at

[Package sdcTable version 0.32.6 Index]