attack {sdcTable} | R Documentation |
Attacking primary suppressed cells
Function [attack()] is used to compute lower and upper bounds for a given sdcProblem instance. For all calculations the current suppression pattern is used when calculating solutions of the attacker's problem.
attack(object, to_attack = NULL, verbose = FALSE, ...)
object |
an object of class 'sdcProblem' |
to_attack |
if 'NULL' all current primary suppressed cells are attacked; otherwise either an integerish (indices) or character-vector (str-ids) of the cells that should be attacked. |
verbose |
a logical scalar determing if additional output should be displayed |
... |
placeholder for possible additional input, currently unused; |
a 'data.frame' with the following columns: - 'prim_supps': index of primary suppressed cells - 'status': the original sdc-status code - 'val' the original value of the cell - ‘low': computed lower bound of the attacker’s problem - ‘up': computed upper bound of the attacker’s problem - 'protected' shows if a given cell is accordingly protected
Bernhard Meindl
## Not run:
dims <- list(
v1 = sdcHierarchies::hier_create("tot", letters[1:4]),
v2 = sdcHierarchies::hier_create("tot", letters[5:8])
N <- 150
df <- data.frame(
v1 = sample(letters[1:4], N, replace = TRUE),
v2 = sample(letters[5:8], N, replace = TRUE)
sdc <- makeProblem(data = df, dimList = dims)
# set primary suppressions
specs <- data.frame(
v1 = c("a", "b", "a"),
v2 = c("e", "e", "f")
sdc <- change_cellstatus(sdc, specs = specs, rule = "u")
# attack all primary sensitive cells
# the cells can be recomputed exactly
attack(sdc, to_attack = NULL)
# protect the table and attack again
sdc <- protectTable(sdc, method = "SIMPLEHEURISTIC")
attack(sdc, to_attack = NULL)
# attack only selected cells
attack(sdc, to_attack = c(7, 12))
## End(Not run)