abs_error |
Absolute Error |
add_coverage |
Add coverage of central prediction intervals |
ae_median_quantile |
Absolute Error of the Median (Quantile-based Version) |
ae_median_sample |
Absolute Error of the Median (Sample-based Version) |
available_metrics |
Available metrics in scoringutils |
avail_forecasts |
Display Number of Forecasts Available |
bias_quantile |
Determines Bias of Quantile Forecasts |
bias_range |
Determines Bias of Quantile Forecasts based on the range of the prediction intervals |
bias_sample |
Determines bias of forecasts |
brier_score |
Brier Score |
check_forecasts |
Check forecasts |
correlation |
Correlation Between Metrics |
crps_sample |
Ranked Probability Score |
dss_sample |
Dawid-Sebastiani Score |
example_binary |
Binary Forecast Example Data |
example_continuous |
Continuous Forecast Example Data |
example_integer |
Integer Forecast Example Data |
example_point |
Point Forecast Example Data |
example_quantile |
Quantile Example Data |
example_quantile_forecasts_only |
Quantile Example Data - Forecasts only |
example_truth_only |
Truth data only |
find_duplicates |
Find duplicate forecasts |
interval_score |
Interval Score |
logs_binary |
Log Score for Binary outcomes |
logs_sample |
Logarithmic score |
log_shift |
Log transformation with an additive shift |
mad_sample |
Determine dispersion of a probabilistic forecast |
make_NA |
Make Rows NA in Data for Plotting |
make_na |
Make Rows NA in Data for Plotting |
merge_pred_and_obs |
Merge Forecast Data And Observations |
metrics |
Summary information for selected metrics |
pairwise_comparison |
Do Pairwise Comparisons of Scores |
pit |
Probability Integral Transformation (data.frame Format) |
pit_sample |
Probability Integral Transformation (sample-based version) |
plot_avail_forecasts |
Visualise Where Forecasts Are Available |
plot_correlation |
Plot Correlation Between Metrics |
plot_heatmap |
Create a Heatmap of a Scoring Metric |
plot_interval_coverage |
Plot Interval Coverage |
plot_pairwise_comparison |
Plot Heatmap of Pairwise Comparisons |
plot_pit |
PIT Histogram |
plot_predictions |
Plot Predictions vs True Values |
plot_quantile_coverage |
Plot Quantile Coverage |
plot_ranges |
Plot Metrics by Range of the Prediction Interval |
plot_score_table |
Plot Coloured Score Table |
plot_wis |
Plot Contributions to the Weighted Interval Score |
print.scoringutils_check |
Print output from 'check_forecasts()' |
quantile_score |
Quantile Score |
sample_to_quantile |
Change Data from a Sample Based Format to a Quantile Format |
score |
Evaluate forecasts |
set_forecast_unit |
Set unit of a single forecast manually |
se_mean_sample |
Squared Error of the Mean (Sample-based Version) |
squared_error |
Squared Error |
summarise_scores |
Summarise scores as produced by 'score()' |
summarize_scores |
Summarise scores as produced by 'score()' |
theme_scoringutils |
Scoringutils ggplot2 theme |
transform_forecasts |
Transform forecasts and observed values |