check_baseline | Check for baseline boundary |
coef.sclr | ML estimate components |
confint.sclr | ML estimate components |
find_prot_titre_val | Search function for scaled logit protection covariate levels |
get_protection_level | Protection level calculations |
is_sclr | Create a new 'sclr' object |
logLik.sclr | ML estimate components |
model.frame.sclr | ML estimate components |
model.matrix.sclr | ML estimate components |
new_sclr | Create a new 'sclr' object |
one_titre_data | Simulated one-titre antibody data |
predict.sclr | Predict method for scaled logit model x. |
print.sclr | Print a 'sclr' object. |
sclr | Fits the scaled logit model |
sclr_fit | Fitter function for the scaled logit model |
sclr_ideal_data | Generate ideal data for the scaled logit model |
sclr_log_likelihood | Log-likelihood |
summary.sclr | Print a 'sclr' object. |
tidy.sclr | Tidy a 'sclr' object. |
two_titre_data | Simulated two-titre antibody data |
vcov.sclr | ML estimate components |