x.oreo {scape}R Documentation

Oreo Assessment


Stock assessment data and model fit for smooth oreo (Pseudocyttus maculatus) in New Zealand waters, using a Coleraine statistical catch-at-age model.

This is a two-sex model with 80 age classes and 44 length classes, the catch data starting in 1979 and ending in 2001. The model was fitted to seven data components: pre-GPS commercial abundance index, post-GPS commercial abundance index, survey abundance index, commercial catch at length, survey catch at length, female length at age, and male length at age.




List of class scape containing:

N predicted numbers at age
B predicted biomass, recruitment, and observed landings (year things)
Sel predicted selectivity and observed maturity (age things)
CPUE commercial abundance index and fit
Survey survey abundance index and fit
CLc commercial C@L (catch at length) and fit
CLs survey C@L and fit
LA observed L@A (length at age)


Hilborn et al. (2003) give a general description of the Coleraine generalized model.

Since relatively few smooth oreo individuals have been aged, this assessment admits uncertainty about the von Bertalanffy growth curve, which is estimated for each sex. The acoustic survey abundance estimate is considered absolute, so q[survey] is fixed at 1.

Estimated parameters: R0, Sfull[commercial], Sfull[survey], q[pre-GPS], q[post-GPS], L80female, L80male, Kfemale, Kmale, CVfemale, and CVmale.


The list was imported from the files ‘scape/example/oreo.res’, ‘oreo.txt’, and ‘l\_at\_age.dat’ using importCol.

The functions ll (package gdata) and head are recommended for browsing nested objects, e.g. ll(x.oreo), ll(x.oreo$N), and head(x.oreo$N).


Annala, J. H., Sullivan, K. J., O'Brien, C. J., Smith, N. W. M. and Grayling S. M., eds. (2003) Report from the Fishery Assessment Plenary: Stock assessments and yield estimates. Ministry of Fisheries, Wellington.


Hilborn, R., Maunder, M., Parma, A., Ernst, B., Payne, J. and Starr, P. (2003) Coleraine: A generalized age-structured stock assessment model. User's manual version 2.0. University of Washington Report SAFS-UW-0116.

Magnusson, A. (2003) Stock assessment of Chatham Rise smooth oreo (SSO4). Deepwater Working Group Doc. 16. Report for the New Zealand Ministry of Fisheries.

See Also

importCol was used to import the fitted model.

x.cod, x.ling, x.oreo, x.saithe, and x.sbw are fitted scape models to explore.

scape-package gives an overview of the package.


plotCL(x.oreo, "c")
plotCL(x.oreo, "s")
plotIndex(x.oreo, "c")
plotIndex(x.oreo, "s")

[Package scape version 2.3.3 Index]