scan_eb_zip {scanstatistics}R Documentation

Calculate the expectation-based ZIP scan statistic.


Calculates the expectation-based scan statistic. See details below.


  baselines = NULL,
  probs = NULL,
  population = NULL,
  n_mcsim = 0,
  gumbel = FALSE,
  max_only = FALSE,
  rel_tol = 0.001




  • A matrix of observed counts. Rows indicate time and are ordered from least recent (row 1) to most recent (row nrow(counts)). Columns indicate locations, numbered from 1 and up. If counts is a matrix, the optional matrix arguments baselines and probs should also be specified.

  • A data frame with columns "time", "location", "count", "baseline", "prob". The baselines are the expected values of the counts, and "prob" are the structural zero probabilities of the counts. If "baseline" and "prob" are not found as columns, their values are estimated in a very heuristic fashion (not recommended). If population numbers are available, they can be included in a column "population" to help with the estimation.


A list of integer vectors. Each vector corresponds to a single zone; its elements are the numbers of the locations in that zone.


Optional. A matrix of the same dimensions as counts. Holds the Poisson mean parameter of the ZIP distribution for each observed count. These parameters are typically estimated from past data using e.g. ZIP regression.


Optional. A matrix of the same dimensions as counts. Holds the structural zero probability of the ZIP distribution for each observed count. These parameters are typically estimated from past data using e.g. ZIP regression.


Optional. A matrix or vector of populations for each location. Only needed if baselines and probs are to be estimated and you want to account for the different populations in each location (and time). If a matrix, should be of the same dimensions as counts. If a vector, should be of the same length as the number of columns in counts.


A non-negative integer; the number of replicate scan statistics to generate in order to calculate a PP-value.


Logical: should a Gumbel P-value be calculated? Default is FALSE.


Boolean. If FALSE (default) the log-likelihood ratio statistic for each zone and duration is returned. If TRUE, only the largest such statistic (i.e. the scan statistic) is returned, along with the corresponding zone and duration.


A positive scalar. If the relative change in the incomplete information likelihood is less than this value, then the EM algorithm is deemed to have converged.


For the expectation-based zero-inflated Poisson scan statistic (Allévius & Höhle 2017), the null hypothesis of no anomaly holds that the count observed at each location ii and duration tt (the number of time periods before present) has a zero-inflated Poisson distribution with expected value parameter μit\mu_{it} and structural zero probability pitp_{it}:

H0:YitZIP(μit,pit). H_0 : Y_{it} \sim \textrm{ZIP}(\mu_{it}, p_{it}).

This holds for all locations i=1,,mi = 1, \ldots, m and all durations t=1,,Tt = 1, \ldots,T, with TT being the maximum duration considered. Under the alternative hypothesis, there is a space-time window WW consisting of a spatial zone Z{1,,m}Z \subset \{1, \ldots, m\} and a time window D{1,,T}D \subseteq \{1, \ldots, T\} such that the counts in that window have their Poisson expected value parameters inflated by a factor qW>1q_W > 1 compared to the null hypothesis:

H1:YitZIP(qWμit,pit),  (i,t)W. H_1 : Y_{it} \sim \textrm{ZIP}(q_W \mu_{it}, p_{it}), ~~(i,t) \in W.

For locations and durations outside of this window, counts are assumed to be distributed as under the null hypothesis. The sets ZZ considered are those specified in the argument zones, while the maximum duration TT is taken as the maximum value in the column duration of the input table.

For each space-time window WW considered, (the log of) a likelihood ratio is computed using the distributions under the alternative and null hypotheses, and the expectation-based Poisson scan statistic is calculated as the maximum of these quantities over all space-time windows. The expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is used to obtain maximum likelihood estimates.


A list which, in addition to the information about the type of scan statistic, has the following components:


A list containing the number of the zone of the most likely cluster (MLC), the locations in that zone, the duration of the MLC, the calculated score, the relative risk, and the number of iterations until convergence for the EM algorithm. In order, the elements of this list are named zone_number, locations, duration, score, relative_risk, n_iter.


A data frame containing, for each combination of zone and duration investigated, the zone number, duration, score, relative risk, number of EM iterations. The table is sorted by score with the top-scoring location on top. If max_only = TRUE, only contains a single row corresponding to the MLC.


A data frame of the Monte Carlo replicates of the scan statistic (if any), and the corresponding zones and durations.


The Monte Carlo PP-value.


A PP-value obtained by fitting a Gumbel distribution to the replicate scan statistics.


The number of zones scanned.


The number of locations.


The maximum duration considered.


The number of Monte Carlo replicates made.


Allévius, B. and Höhle, M, An expectation-based space-time scan statistic for ZIP-distributed data, (Technical report), Link to PDF.


if (require("gamlss.dist")) {
  # Create location coordinates, calculate nearest neighbors, and create zones
  n_locs <- 50
  max_duration <- 5
  n_total <- n_locs * max_duration
  geo <- matrix(rnorm(n_locs * 2), n_locs, 2)
  knn_mat <- coords_to_knn(geo, 15)
  zones <- knn_zones(knn_mat)
  # Simulate data
  baselines <- matrix(rexp(n_total, 1/5), max_duration, n_locs)
  probs <- matrix(runif(n_total) / 4, max_duration, n_locs)
  counts <- matrix(gamlss.dist::rZIP(n_total, baselines, probs), 
                   max_duration, n_locs)
  # Inject outbreak/event/anomaly
  ob_dur <- 3
  ob_cols <- zones[[10]]
  ob_rows <- max_duration + 1 - seq_len(ob_dur)
  counts[ob_rows, ob_cols] <- gamlss.dist::rZIP(
    ob_dur * length(ob_cols), 2 * baselines[ob_rows, ob_cols],
    probs[ob_rows, ob_cols])
  res <- scan_eb_zip(counts = counts,
                     zones = zones,
                     baselines = baselines,
                     probs = probs,
                     n_mcsim = 9,
                     max_only = FALSE,
                     rel_tol = 1e-3)

[Package scanstatistics version 1.1.1 Index]