Space-Time Anomaly Detection using Scan Statistics

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Documentation for package ‘scanstatistics’ version 1.1.1

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coords_to_knn Get the k nearest neighbors for each location, given its coordinates.
df_to_matrix Convert a long data frame to a wide matrix.
dist_to_knn Given a distance matrix, find the k nearest neighbors.
flexible_zones Computes the flexibly shaped zones as in Tango (2005).
get_zone Extract a zone from the set of all zones.
gumbel_pvalue Calculate the Gumbel p-value for a scan statistic.
knn_zones Find the increasing subsets of k nearest neighbors for all locations.
mc_pvalue Calculate the Monte Carlo p-value for a scan statistic.
NM_geo Longitude and latitude of New Mexico county seats.
NM_map Data to plot the counties of New Mexico.
NM_popcas Population and brain cancer cases in New Mexico counties during 1973-1991.
scanstatistics scanstatistics: Space-time anomaly detection using scan statistics.
scan_bayes_negbin Calculate the negative binomial bayesian scan statistic..
scan_eb_negbin Calculate the expectation-based negative binomial scan statistic.
scan_eb_poisson Calculate the expectation-based Poisson scan statistic.
scan_eb_zip Calculate the expectation-based ZIP scan statistic.
scan_pb_poisson Calculate the population-based Poisson scan statistic.
scan_permutation Calculate the space-time permutation scan statistic.
score_locations Score each location over zones and duration.
top_clusters Get the top (non-overlappig) clusters.