Measuring Cell Type Similarity with Gene Ontology in Single-Cell RNA-Seq

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Documentation for package ‘scGOclust’ version 0.2.1

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analyzeGOSeurat standard seurat analysis on GO_seurat object
cellTypeGOCorr calculate correlation between cell types represented by scaled GO, per-species
crossSpeciesCellTypeGOCorr calculate cross-species correlation between cell types represented by scaled GO
dme_subset Drosophila gut scRNA-seq data, 10X Chromium Subset to 45 cells per cell type as an example data
dme_tbl Drosophila EMSEMBL gene and GO annotation, subset to genes present in 'dme_subset'
ensemblToGo get requested ensembl ID to GO mapping table
getCellTypeGO get per cell type average scaled vector of GO terms
getCellTypeSharedGO get shared up and down regulated GO terms for all pairs of cell types
getCellTypeSharedTerms query co-up and co-down regulated GO terms from certain cell type pairs
globalvariables record some global variables: pre-defined column name in biomaRt query and markers
makeGOSeurat create a seurat object with GO terms
mmu_subset Mouse stomach and intestine scRNA-seq data, microwell-seq Subset to 50 cells per cell type as an example data
mmu_tbl Mouse EMSEMBL gene and GO annotation, subset to genes present in 'mmu_subset'
plotCellTypeCorrHeatmap plot clustered heatmap for cell type corr
plotCellTypeSankey plot Sankey diagram for cell type links above a certain threshould