Differential Analysis of Intercellular Communication from scRNA-Seq Data

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Documentation for package ‘scDiffCom’ version 1.0.0

Help Pages

BuildNetwork Display cell-type to cell-type interactive networks
BuildNetwork-method Display cell-type to cell-type interactive networks
BuildShiny A shiny app to display scDiffCom results
BuildShiny-method A shiny app to display scDiffCom results
EraseRawCCI Create a copy of a scDiffCom object without 'cci_table_raw'
EraseRawCCI-method Create a copy of a scDiffCom object without 'cci_table_raw'
FilterCCI Filter a scDiffCom object with new filtering parameters
FilterCCI-method Filter a scDiffCom object with new filtering parameters
gene_ontology_level All gene ontology terms annotated with their levels
GetDistributions Return the slot 'distributions' from a scDiffCom object
GetDistributions-method Return the slot 'distributions' from a scDiffCom object
GetParameters Return the slot 'parameters' from a scDiffCom object
GetParameters-method Return the slot 'parameters' from a scDiffCom object
GetTableCCI Return (a subset) of the slot 'cci_table_raw' or 'cci_table_detected' from a scDiffCom object
GetTableCCI-method Return (a subset) of the slot 'cci_table_raw' or 'cci_table_detected' from a scDiffCom object
GetTableORA Return some or all ORA tables from the slot 'ora_table' from a scDiffCom object
GetTableORA-method Return some or all ORA tables from the slot 'ora_table' from a scDiffCom object
LRI_human A collection of human ligand-receptor interactions.
LRI_mouse A collection of mouse ligand-receptor interactions.
LRI_rat A collection of rat ligand-receptor interactions.
PlotORA Display top over-represented keywords from a category of interest
PlotORA-method Display top over-represented keywords from a category of interest
ReduceGO Reduce scDiffCom GO Terms
ReduceGO-method Reduce scDiffCom GO Terms
RunORA Run over-representation analysis
RunORA-method Run over-representation analysis
run_interaction_analysis Run (differential) intercellular communication analysis
scDiffCom-class The scDiffCom Class
seurat_sample_tms_liver A down-sampled Seurat object to use for testing and benchmarking
show-method Display a scDiffCom object