Stochastic Blockmodels

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Documentation for package ‘sbm’ version 0.4.6

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BipartiteSBM R6 class for Bipartite SBM
BipartiteSBM_fit R6 Class definition of an Bipartite SBM fit
coef.SBM Extract model coefficients
defineSBM Define a network
estimateBipartiteSBM Estimation of Bipartite SBMs
estimateMultipartiteSBM Estimation for multipartite SBM
estimateMultiplexSBM Estimation for Multiplex SBM
estimateSimpleSBM Estimation of Simple SBMs
fitted.SBM Extract model fitted values
fungusTreeNetwork fungus-tree interaction network
is_SBM Auxiliary function to check the given class of an object
multipartiteEcologicalNetwork Ecological multipartite interaction network
MultipartiteSBM R6 Class definition of a Multipartite SBM
MultipartiteSBM_fit R6 Class definition of a Multipartite SBM fit
MultiplexSBM_fit R6 Class definition of a Multiplex SBM fit
plot.SBM SBM Plot
plotAlluvial Plot an alluvial plot between clusterings
plotMyMatrix Plot an adjacency or incidence Matrix
plotMyMultipartiteMatrix Plot the matrices corresponding to a Multipartite Network
plotMyMultiplexMatrix Plot the matrices corresponding to a Multiplex Network
predict.SBM Model Predictions
sampleBipartiteSBM Sampling of Bipartite SBMs
sampleMultipartiteSBM Sampling of Multipartite SBMs
sampleMultiplexSBM Sampling of Multiplex SBMs
sampleSimpleSBM Sampling of Simple SBMs
SBM R6 virtual class for SBM representation (mother class of SimpleSBM, BipartiteSBM, MultipartiteSBM)
SimpleSBM R6 class for Simple SBM
SimpleSBM_fit R6 Class definition of a Simple SBM fit
war War data set