filter_sites_by_md {sapfluxnetr}R Documentation

Filter the sites by metadata variable values


filter_sites_by_md function takes logical expressions for the metadata variables (i.e. pl_sens_meth == 'HR'), and list the sites that met the criteria from those supplied


filter_sites_by_md(sites, metadata, ..., .join = c("and", "or"))



character vector with the sites codes to filter, generally the result of sfn_sites_in_folder


metadata tbl object, usually the result of read_sfn_metadata


Logical expressions for the metadata variables, as in filter.


Character indicating how to filter the sites, see details.


.join argument indicates how sites must be filtered between metadata classes. 'and' indicates only sites meeting all conditions for all metadata classes are returned. 'or' indicates all sites meeting any condition between classes are returned. For two or more filters of the same metadata class, they are combined as 'and'.


A character vector with the sites fulfilling the premises


# Let's access the data in "folder". This typically is the folder where the
# sapflow data at the desired unit level is (i.e. "RData/plant"), but in this
# example we will create a temporal folder with some data to test the function
folder <- tempdir()
save(ARG_TRE, file = file.path(folder, 'ARG_TRE.RData'))
save(ARG_MAZ, file = file.path(folder, 'ARG_MAZ.RData'))
save(AUS_CAN_ST2_MIX, file = file.path(folder, 'AUS_CAN_ST2_MIX.RData'))

# we need the metadata and the site names
metadata <- read_sfn_metadata(folder = folder, .write_cache = TRUE)
sites <- sfn_sites_in_folder(folder)

# Filter by Heat Ratio method
  pl_sens_meth == 'HR', sites = sites, metadata = metadata

# Both, Heat Ratio and Heat Dissipation
  pl_sens_meth %in% c('HR', 'HD'),
  sites = sites, metadata = metadata

# more complex, Heat Ratio method AND Woodland/Shrubland biome
  pl_sens_meth == 'HR',
  si_biome == 'Woodland/Shrubland',
  sites = sites, metadata = metadata,
  .join = 'and' # default

# join = 'or' returns sites that meet any condition
  pl_sens_meth == 'HR',
  si_biome == 'Woodland/Shrubland',
  sites = sites, metadata = metadata,
  .join = 'or'

[Package sapfluxnetr version 0.1.4 Index]