Short Asynchronous Time-Series Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘santaR’ version 1.2.4

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santaR-package santaR: A package for Short AsyNchronous Time-series Analysis in R
acuteInflammation Measurement of 22 inflammatory mediators across time
AICc_smooth_spline Calculate the Akaike Information Criterion Corrected for small observation numbers for a smooth.spline
AIC_smooth_spline Calculate the Akaike Information Criterion for a smooth.spline
BIC_smooth_spline Calculate the Bayesian Information Criterion for a smooth.spline
get_eigen_DF Compute the optimal df and weighted-df using 5 spline fitting metric
get_eigen_DFoverlay_list Plot for each eigenSpline the automatically fitted spline, splines for all df and a spline at a chosen df
get_eigen_spline Compute eigenSplines across a dataset
get_eigen_spline_matrix Generate a Ind x Time + Var data.frame concatenating all variables from input variable
get_grouping Generate a matrix of group membership for all individuals
get_ind_time_matrix Generate a Ind x Time DataFrame from input data
get_param_evolution Compute the value of different fitting metrics over all possible df for each eigenSpline
loglik_smooth_spline Calculate the penalised loglikelihood of a smooth.spline
plot_nbTP_histogram Plot an histogram of the number of time-trajectories with a given number of time-points
plot_param_evolution Plot the evolution of different fitting parameters across all possible df for each eigenSpline
SANTAR santaR: A package for Short AsyNchronous Time-series Analysis in R
santaR santaR: A package for Short AsyNchronous Time-series Analysis in R
santaR_auto_fit Automate all steps of santaR fitting, Confidence bands estimation and p-values calculation for one or multiple variables
santaR_auto_summary Summarise, report and save the results of a santaR analysis
santaR_CBand Compute Group Mean Curve Confidence Bands
santaR_fit Generate a SANTAObj for a variable
santaR_plot Plot a SANTAObj
santaR_pvalue_dist Evaluate difference in group trajectories based on the comparison of distance between group mean curves
santaR_pvalue_dist_within Evaluate difference between a group mean curve and a constant model
santaR_pvalue_fit Evaluate difference in group trajectories based on the comparison of model fit (F-test) between one and two groups
santaR_pvalue_fit_within Evaluate difference between a group mean curve and a constant model using the comparison of model fit (F-test)
santaR_start_GUI santaR Graphical User Interface
scaling_mean Mean scaling of each column
scaling_UV Unit-Variance scaling of each column