Interactive Graphics for Monitoring Clinical Trial Safety

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Documentation for package ‘safetyGraphics’ version 2.1.1

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app_startup Startup code for shiny app
chartsNav Adds a navbar tab that initializes the Chart Module UI
chartsTab Server for chart module, designed to be re-used for each chart generated.
chartsTabUI UI for chart module, designed to be re-used for each chart generated.
detectStandard Detect the data standard used for a data set
evaluateStandard Evaluate a data set against a data standard
filterTab Server for the filter module in datamods::filter_data_ui
filterTabChecks Checks for whether the current data and settings support a filter tab
filterTabUI UI for the filter module in datamods::filter_data_ui
generateMappingList Convert mapping data.frame to a list
homeTab Server for the filter module in datamods::filter_data_ui
homeTabUI UI for the home module
loadCharts Server for the chart loading module used in safetyGraphicsInit()
loadChartsUI UI for the chart loading module used in safetyGraphicsInit()
loadData Server for the data loading module used in safetyGraphicsInit()
loadDataUI UI for the data loading module used in safetyGraphicsInit()
makeChartConfig Make Chart Config
makeChartExport Make Chart Export
makeChartParams Make Chart Parameters
makeChartSummary html chart summary
makeMapping Create data mapping based on data standards and user input
makeMeta Create a metadata object table for a set of charts
mappingColumn Server that facilitates the mapping of a column data (and any associated fields)
mappingColumnUI UI that facilitates the mapping of a column data (and any associated fields)
mappingDomain Server that facilitates the mapping of a full data domain
mappingDomainUI UI that facilitates the mapping of a full data domain
mappingSelect Server that facilitates the mapping of a single data element (column or field) with a simple select UI
mappingSelectUI UI that facilitates the mapping of a single data element (column or field) with a simple select UI
mappingTab Server for mapping tab covering of all data domains
mappingTabUI UI for mapping tab covering of all data domains
prepareChart Prepare a chart object for safetyGraphics
safetyGraphicsApp Run the core safetyGraphics App
safetyGraphicsInit App to select charts, load data and then initialize the core safetyGraphics app
safetyGraphicsServer Server for core safetyGraphics app including Home, Mapping, Filter, Charts and Settings modules.
safetyGraphicsUI UI for the core safetyGraphics app including Home, Mapping, Filter, Charts and Settings modules.
settingsCharts Server for settings tab showing details for the charts loaded in the app
settingsChartsUI UI for settings tab showing details for the charts loaded in the app
settingsCode Server for settings tab providing code to re-start the app with current data/settings
settingsCodeUI UI for settings tab providing code to re-start the app with current data/settings
settingsData Server for settings tab showing current data
settingsDataUI UI for settings tab showing current data
settingsMapping Server for settings tab showing current mapping
settingsMappingUI UI for settings tab showing current mapping
settingsTab Server for the setting page
settingsTabUI UI for the settings tab