Small Area Estimation with Cluster Information for Estimation of Non-Sampled Areas

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Documentation for package ‘saens’ version 0.1.0

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AIC.eblupres Akaike's An Information Criterion.
autoplot Create a complete ggplot appropriate to a particular data type
autoplot.eblupres Autoplot EBLUP results.
BIC.eblupres Akaike's An Information Criterion.
coef.eblupres Extract Model Coefficients.
eblupfh EBLUPs based on a Fay-Herriot Model.
eblupfh_cluster EBLUPs based on a Fay-Herriot Model with Cluster Information.
logLik.eblupres Extract Log-Likelihood.
milk milk: Data on fresh milk expenditure.
mys mys: mean years of schooling people with disabilities in Papua Island, Indonesia.
summary.eblupres Summarizing EBLUP Model Fits.