ryt_get_playlist_items {rytstat} | R Documentation |
Get playlist items data on 'YouTube'
Get playlist items data on 'YouTube'
part = c("contentDetails", "id", "snippet", "status"),
fields = NULL,
cl = NULL
playlist_id |
Playlist ID, see |
part |
The part parameter specifies a comma-separated list of one or more playlistItem resource properties that the API response will include. see API documentation. |
fields |
The fields parameter filters the API response, which only contains the resource parts identified in the part parameter value, so that the response only includes a specific set of fields. see API documentation. |
cl |
A cluster object created by |
Parts and fields part:
parts and fields details
kind - Identifies the API resource's type. The value will be youtube#playlistItemListResponse.
etag - The Etag of this resource.
id - The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist item.
snippet - The snippet object contains basic details about the playlist item, such as its title and position in the playlist.
snippet/publishedAt - The date and time that the item was added to the playlist.
snippet/channelId - The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the user that added the item to the playlist.
snippet/title - The item's title.
snippet/description - The item's description.
snippet/thumbnails - A map of thumbnail images associated with the playlist item.
snippet/thumbnails/(key) - Valid key values are: default, medium, high, standard, maxres
snippet/thumbnails/(key)/url - The image's URL.
snippet/thumbnails/(key)/width - The image's width.
snippet/thumbnails/(key)/height - The image's height.
snippet/channelTitle - The channel title of the channel that the playlist item belongs to.
snippet/videoOwnerChannelTitle - The channel title of the channel that uploaded this video.
snippet/videoOwnerChannelId - The channel ID of the channel that uploaded this video.
snippet/playlistId - The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the playlist that the playlist item is in.
snippet/position - The order in which the item appears in the playlist.
snippet/resourceId - The id object contains information that can be used to uniquely identify the resource that is included in the playlist as the playlist item.
snippet/resourceId.kind - The kind, or type, of the referred resource.
snippet/resourceId/videoId - If the snippet.resourceId.kind property's value is youtube#video, then this property will be present and its value will contain the ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify the video in the playlist.
contentDetails - The contentDetails object is included in the resource if the included item is a YouTube video. The object contains additional information about the video.
contentDetails/videoId - The ID that YouTube uses to uniquely identify a video.
contentDetails/note - A user-generated note for this item. The property value has a maximum length of 280 characters.
contentDetails/videoPublishedAt - The date and time that the video was published to YouTube.
status - The status object contains information about the playlist item's privacy status.
status/privacyStatus - The playlist item's privacy status.
tibble with playlist items details
## Not run:
# get playlist ids and title
pl <- ryt_get_playlists(part = c('id', 'snippet'), fields = 'items(id, snippet/title)')
# get itemms of first playlist
pli <- ryt_get_playlist_items(
playlist_id = pl$id[1],
part = c('contentDetails', 'snippet'),
fields = 'items(id,snippet/channelId,snippet/title,contentDetails/videoId)'
## End(Not run)