Work with 'YouTube API'

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Documentation for package ‘rytstat’ version 0.3.0

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rytstat-package rytstat: Work with 'YouTube API'
rytstat rytstat: Work with 'YouTube API'
ryt_api_key Edit and view auth configuration
ryt_auth Authorization in YouTube API
ryt_auth_cache_path Edit and view auth configuration
ryt_auth_configure Edit and view auth configuration
ryt_create_job Returns a list of report types that the channel or content owner can retrieve. Each item in the list contains an id property, which identifies the report's ID, and you need this value to schedule a reporting job.
ryt_deauth Suspend authorization
ryt_delete_job Returns a list of report types that the channel or content owner can retrieve. Each item in the list contains an id property, which identifies the report's ID, and you need this value to schedule a reporting job.
ryt_get_analytics Get statistics from 'YouTube Analytics API'
ryt_get_channels Get channel info from 'YouTube API'
ryt_get_channel_activities Returns a list of channel activity events
ryt_get_comments Returns a list of comment threads of video or channel
ryt_get_job_list Returns a list of report types that the channel or content owner can retrieve. Each item in the list contains an id property, which identifies the report's ID, and you need this value to schedule a reporting job.
ryt_get_playlists Get playlist from 'YouTube API'
ryt_get_playlist_items Get playlist items data on 'YouTube'
ryt_get_report Returns a list of report types that the channel or content owner can retrieve. Each item in the list contains an id property, which identifies the report's ID, and you need this value to schedule a reporting job.
ryt_get_report_list Returns a list of report types that the channel or content owner can retrieve. Each item in the list contains an id property, which identifies the report's ID, and you need this value to schedule a reporting job.
ryt_get_report_metadata Returns a list of report types that the channel or content owner can retrieve. Each item in the list contains an id property, which identifies the report's ID, and you need this value to schedule a reporting job.
ryt_get_report_types Returns a list of report types that the channel or content owner can retrieve. Each item in the list contains an id property, which identifies the report's ID, and you need this value to schedule a reporting job.
ryt_get_videos Get list of your videos from 'YouTube'
ryt_get_video_details Get detail data of your videos on 'YouTube'
ryt_has_token Is there a token on hand?
ryt_oauth_app Edit and view auth configuration
ryt_open_auth_cache_folder Edit and view auth configuration
ryt_search Search channels, playlists or videos on YouTube
ryt_token Produce configured token
ryt_user Get info on current user