Tidy Data Validation Reports

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Documentation for package ‘ruler’ version 0.3.0

Help Pages

ruler-package ruler: Rule Your Data
act_after_exposure Act after exposure
any_breaker Is there any breaker in exposure?
assert_any_breaker Assert presence of rule breaker
bind_exposures Bind exposures
cell-pack Cell rule pack
cell_packs Create rule packs
column-pack Column rule pack
col_packs Create rule packs
data-pack Data rule pack
data_packs Create rule packs
expose Expose data to rule packs
exposure Exposure
get_exposure Exposure
get_packs_info Packs info
get_report Tidy data validation report
group-pack Group rule pack
group_packs Create rule packs
inside_punct Inside punctuation regular expression
is_exposure Exposure
is_packs_info Packs info
is_report Tidy data validation report
packs Create rule packs
packs_info Packs info
remove_exposure Exposure
row-pack Row rule pack
row_packs Create rule packs
rule-packs Create rule packs
ruler ruler: Rule Your Data
ruler-report Tidy data validation report
rules Create a list of rules
spread_groups Spread grouping columns