Create Tests According to QTI 2.1 Standard

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Documentation for package ‘rqti’ version 0.1.1

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-- A --

AssessmentItem Class AssessmentItem
AssessmentItem-class Class AssessmentItem
AssessmentSection Class "AssessmentSection"
AssessmentSection-class Class "AssessmentSection"
AssessmentTest Class "AssessmentTest"
AssessmentTest-class Class "AssessmentTest"
AssessmentTestOpal Class "AssessmentTestOpal"
AssessmentTestOpal-class Class "AssessmentTestOpal"
auth_opal Authentification in OPAL API

-- B --

buildAssessementSection,AssessmentItem Build tags for AssessmentSection in assessmentTest
buildAssessementSection,character Build tags for AssessmentSection in assessmentTest
buildAssessmentSection Build tags for AssessmentSection in assessmentTest
buildAssessmentSection,AssessmentSection Build tags for AssessmentSection in assessmentTest
buildAssessmentSection-method Build tags for AssessmentSection in assessmentTest

-- C --

Choice Class "Choice"
Choice-class Class "Choice"
CorrectFeedback Class "CorrectFeedback"
CorrectFeedback-class Class "CorrectFeedback"
createAssessmentTest Create an element assessmentTest of a qti-xml document for test
createAssessmentTest,AssessmentTest Create an element assessmentTest of a qti-xml document for test
createAssessmentTest,AssessmentTestOpal Create an element assessmentTest of a qti-xml document for test
createAssessmentTest-method Create an element assessmentTest of a qti-xml document for test
createItemBody Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
createItemBody,DirectedPair Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
createItemBody,Entry Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
createItemBody,Essay Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
createItemBody,MultipleChoice Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
createItemBody,MultipleChoiceTable Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
createItemBody,OneInColTable Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
createItemBody,OneInRowTable Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
createItemBody,Order Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
createItemBody,SingleChoice Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
createItemBody-method Create an element itemBody of a qti-xml document
createOutcomeDeclaration Create an element outcomeDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createOutcomeDeclaration,AssessmentItem Create an element outcomeDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createOutcomeDeclaration,AssessmentTest Create an element outcomeDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createOutcomeDeclaration,Entry Create an element outcomeDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createOutcomeDeclaration,TextGap Create an element outcomeDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createOutcomeDeclaration-method Create an element outcomeDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createQtiTask Create XML file for question specification
createQtiTask,AssessmentItem Create XML file for question specification
createQtiTask-method Create XML file for question specification
createQtiTask-methods Create XML file for question specification
createQtiTest Create zip-archive of the qti test specification
createQtiTest,AssessmentItem Create zip-archive of the qti test specification
createQtiTest,AssessmentTest Create zip-archive of the qti test specification
createQtiTest,character Create zip-archive of the qti test specification
createQtiTest-method Create zip-archive of the qti test specification
createQtiTest-methods Create zip-archive of the qti test specification
createResponseDeclaration Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration,AssessmentItem Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration,Entry Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration,Essay Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration,InlineChoice Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration,MatchTable Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration,MultipleChoice Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration,MultipleChoiceTable Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration,NumericGap Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration,Order Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration,SingleChoice Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration,TextGap Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseDeclaration-method Create an element responseDeclaration of a qti-xml document
createResponseProcessing Create an element responseProcessing of a qti-xml document
createResponseProcessing,AssessmentItem Create an element responseProcessing of a qti-xml document
createResponseProcessing,Entry Create an element responseProcessing of a qti-xml document
createResponseProcessing,Essay Create an element responseProcessing of a qti-xml document
createResponseProcessing,Gap Create an element responseProcessing of a qti-xml document
createResponseProcessing,NumericGap Create an element responseProcessing of a qti-xml document
createResponseProcessing,Order Create an element responseProcessing of a qti-xml document
createResponseProcessing,SingleChoice Create an element responseProcessing of a qti-xml document
createResponseProcessing,TextGapOpal Create an element responseProcessing of a qti-xml document
createResponseProcessing-method Create an element responseProcessing of a qti-xml document
createText Compose a set of html elements to display question in qti-xml document
createText,character Compose a set of html elements to display question in qti-xml document
createText,Gap Compose a set of html elements to display question in qti-xml document
createText,InlineChoice Compose a set of html elements to display question in qti-xml document
createText-method Compose a set of html elements to display question in qti-xml document
createZip Create an Zip archive of QTI test
createZip,AssessmentTest Create an Zip archive of QTI test
createZip,AssessmentTestOpal Create an Zip archive of QTI test
createZip-method Create an Zip archive of QTI test
create_assessment_item Compose a root element AssessmentItem of xml task
create_qti_task Create XML file for question specification
create_qti_test Create XML file for exam test specification

-- D --

DirectedPair Class "DirectedPair"
DirectedPair-class Class "DirectedPair"
dropdown Create YAML string for InlineChoice object (dropdown list)

-- E --

Entry Class "Entry"
Entry-class Class "Entry"
Essay Class "Essay"
Essay-class Class "Essay"
extract_results Create data frame with test results

-- G --

Gap Class "Gap"
Gap-class Class "Gap"
gap_numeric Create YAML string for NumericGap object
gap_text Create YAML string for TextGap object
getAssessmentItems Get list of AssessmentItems for AssessmentSection
getAssessmentItems,AssessmentItem Get list of AssessmentItems for AssessmentSection
getAssessmentItems,AssessmentSection Get list of AssessmentItems for AssessmentSection
getAssessmentItems,character Get list of AssessmentItems for AssessmentSection
getAssessmentItems-method Get list of AssessmentItems for AssessmentSection
getCalculator Get value of the slot 'calculator'
getCalculator,AssessmentItem Get value of the slot 'calculator'
getCalculator,AssessmentSection Get value of the slot 'calculator'
getCalculator,character Get value of the slot 'calculator'
getCalculator-method Get value of the slot 'calculator'
getCalculator-methods Get value of the slot 'calculator'
getFiles Get file paths for attachment of test
getFiles,AssessmentItem Get file paths for attachment of test
getFiles,AssessmentSection Get file paths for attachment of test
getFiles,character Get file paths for attachment of test
getFiles-method Get file paths for attachment of test
getFiles-methods Get file paths for attachment of test
getIdentifier Get identifier
getIdentifier,AssessmentItem Get identifier
getIdentifier,AssessmentSection Get identifier
getIdentifier,character Get identifier
getIdentifier,Gap Get identifier
getIdentifier-method Get identifier
getIdentifier-methods Get identifier
getObject Get object
getObject,AssessmentItem Get object
getObject,AssessmentSection Get object
getObject,character Get object
getObject-method Get object
getObject-methods Get object
getPoints Get points from AssessmentItem object
getPoints,AssessmentItem Get points from AssessmentItem object
getPoints,AssessmentSection Get points from AssessmentItem object
getPoints,character Get points from AssessmentItem object
getPoints,MultipleChoice Get points from AssessmentItem object
getPoints-method Get points from AssessmentItem object
getPoints-methods Get points from AssessmentItem object
getResponse Get and process a piece of question content
getResponse,character Get and process a piece of question content
getResponse,InlineChoice Get and process a piece of question content
getResponse,NumericGap Get and process a piece of question content
getResponse,TextGap Get and process a piece of question content
getResponse-method Get and process a piece of question content
get_resources Get records of all current user's resources on LMS OPAL
get_resource_url Create a URL using the resource's display name in LMS OPAL

-- I --

InlineChoice Class "InlineChoice"
InlineChoice-class Class "InlineChoice"

-- M --

MatchTaable-classs Class "MatchTable"
MatchTable Class "MatchTable"
mdlist Create a markdown list for answer options
ModalFeedback Class "ModalFeedback"
ModalFeedback-class Class "ModalFeedback"
MultipleChoice Class "MultipleChoice"
MultipleChoice-class Class "MultipleChoice"
MultipleChoiceTable Class "MultipleChoiceTable"
MultipleChoiceTable-class Class "MultipleChoiceTable"

-- N --

NumericGap Class "NumericGap"
NumericGap-class Class "NumericGap"

-- O --

OneInColTable Class "OneInColTable"
OneInColTable-class Class "OneInColTable"
OneInRowTable Class "OneInRowTable"
OneInRowTable-class Class "OneInRowTable"
Order Class "Order"
Order-class Class "Order"

-- P --

prepareQTIJSFiles Prepare files to render them with QTIJS
prepareQTIJSFiles,AssessmentItem Prepare files to render them with QTIJS
prepareQTIJSFiles,AssessmentSection Prepare files to render them with QTIJS
prepareQTIJSFiles,AssessmentTest Prepare files to render them with QTIJS
prepareQTIJSFiles-method Prepare files to render them with QTIJS
prepareQTIJSFiles-methods Prepare files to render them with QTIJS
prepare_renderer Prepare QTIJS renderer

-- Q --

qtijs_path shortcut for the correct QTIJS path

-- R --

render_opal Render Rmd directly in Opal via API
render_qtijs Render an RMD/xml file or rqti-object as qti xml with QTIJS
render_xml Render a single xml file with QTIJS
render_zip Render a zipped qti archive with QTIJS
rmd2xml Create qti-XML task file from Rmd (md) description
rmd2zip Create test zip file with one task xml file from Rmd (md) description

-- S --

section Create a section as part of a test content
SingleChoice Class "SingleChoice"
SingleChoice-class Class "SingleChoice"
start_server Start QTIJS on a local server
stop_server Stop QTIJS local server

-- T --

test Create a test
test4opal Create a test for LMS OPAL
TextGap Class "TextGap"
TextGap-class Class "TextGap"
TextGapOpal Class "TextGapOpal"
TextGapOpal-class Class "TextGapOpal"

-- U --

upload2opal Upload a resource on OPAL

-- W --

WrongFeedback Class "WrongFeedback"
WrongFeedback-class Class "WrongFeedback"