prepare_search_graph {rnndescent}R Documentation

Convert a nearest neighbor graph into a search graph


Create a graph using existing nearest neighbor data to balance search speed and accuracy using the occlusion pruning and truncation strategies of Harwood and Drummond (2016). The resulting search graph should be more efficient for querying new data than the original nearest neighbor graph.


  metric = "euclidean",
  use_alt_metric = TRUE,
  diversify_prob = 1,
  pruning_degree_multiplier = 1.5,
  prune_reverse = FALSE,
  n_threads = 0,
  verbose = FALSE,
  obs = "R"



Matrix of n items, with observations in the rows and features in the columns. Optionally, input can be passed with observations in the columns, by setting obs = "C", which should be more efficient. Possible formats are base::data.frame(), base::matrix() or Matrix::sparseMatrix(). Sparse matrices should be in dgCMatrix format. Dataframes will be converted to numerical matrix format internally, so if your data columns are logical and intended to be used with the specialized binary metrics, you should convert it to a logical matrix first (otherwise you will get the slower dense numerical version).


neighbor graph for data, a list containing:

  • idx an n by k matrix containing the nearest neighbor indices of the data in data.

  • dist an n by k matrix containing the nearest neighbor distances.


Type of distance calculation to use. One of:

  • "braycurtis"

  • "canberra"

  • "chebyshev"

  • "correlation" (1 minus the Pearson correlation)

  • "cosine"

  • "dice"

  • "euclidean"

  • "hamming"

  • "hellinger"

  • "jaccard"

  • "jensenshannon"

  • "kulsinski"

  • "sqeuclidean" (squared Euclidean)

  • "manhattan"

  • "rogerstanimoto"

  • "russellrao"

  • "sokalmichener"

  • "sokalsneath"

  • "spearmanr" (1 minus the Spearman rank correlation)

  • "symmetrickl" (symmetric Kullback-Leibler divergence)

  • "tsss" (Triangle Area Similarity-Sector Area Similarity or TS-SS metric)

  • "yule"

For non-sparse data, the following variants are available with preprocessing: this trades memory for a potential speed up during the distance calculation. Some minor numerical differences should be expected compared to the non-preprocessed versions:

  • "cosine-preprocess": cosine with preprocessing.

  • "correlation-preprocess": correlation with preprocessing.

For non-sparse binary data passed as a logical matrix, the following metrics have specialized variants which should be substantially faster than the non-binary variants (in other cases the logical data will be treated as a dense numeric vector of 0s and 1s):

  • "dice"

  • "hamming"

  • "jaccard"

  • "kulsinski"

  • "matching"

  • "rogerstanimoto"

  • "russellrao"

  • "sokalmichener"

  • "sokalsneath"

  • "yule"


If TRUE, use faster metrics that maintain the ordering of distances internally (e.g. squared Euclidean distances if using metric = "euclidean"), then apply a correction at the end. Probably the only reason to set this to FALSE is if you suspect that some sort of numeric issue is occurring with your data in the alternative code path.


the degree of diversification of the search graph by removing unnecessary edges through occlusion pruning. This should take a value between 0 (no diversification) and 1 (remove as many edges as possible) and is treated as the probability of a neighbor being removed if it is found to be an "occlusion". If item p and q, two members of the neighbor list of item i, are closer to each other than they are to i, then the nearer neighbor p is said to "occlude" q. It is likely that q will be in the neighbor list of p so there is no need to retain it in the neighbor list of i. You may also set this to NULL to skip any occlusion pruning. Note that occlusion pruning is carried out twice, once to the forward neighbors, and once to the reverse neighbors. Reducing this value will result in a more dense graph. This is similar to increasing the "alpha" parameter used by in the DiskAnn pruning method of Subramanya and co-workers (2014).


How strongly to truncate the final neighbor list for each item. The neighbor list of each item will be truncated to retain only the closest d neighbors, where d = k * pruning_degree_multiplier, and k is the original number of neighbors per item in graph. Roughly, values larger than 1 will keep all the nearest neighbors of an item, plus the given fraction of reverse neighbors (if they exist). For example, setting this to 1.5 will keep all the forward neighbors and then half as many of the reverse neighbors, although exactly which neighbors are retained is also dependent on any occlusion pruning that occurs. Set this to NULL to skip this step.


If TRUE, prune the reverse neighbors of each item before the reverse graph diversification step using pruning_degree_multiplier. Because the number of reverse neighbors can be much larger than the number of forward neighbors, this can help to avoid excessive computation during the diversification step, with little overall effect on the final search graph. Default is FALSE.


Number of threads to use.


If TRUE, log information to the console.


set to "C" to indicate that the input data orientation stores each observation as a column. The default "R" means that observations are stored in each row. Storing the data by row is usually more convenient, but internally your data will be converted to column storage. Passing it already column-oriented will save some memory and (a small amount of) CPU usage.


An approximate nearest neighbor graph is not very useful for querying via graph_knn_query(), especially if the query data is initialized randomly: some items in the data set may not be in the nearest neighbor list of any other item and can therefore never be returned as a neighbor, no matter how close they are to the query. Even those which do appear in at least one neighbor list may not be reachable by expanding an arbitrary starting list if the neighbor graph contains disconnected components.

Converting the directed graph represented by the neighbor graph to an undirected graph by adding an edge from item j to i if an edge exists from i to j (i.e. creating the mutual neighbor graph) solves the problems above, but can result in inefficient searches. Although the out-degree of each item is restricted to the number of neighbors the in-degree has no such restrictions: a given item could be very "popular" and in a large number of neighbors lists. Therefore mutualizing the neighbor graph can result in some items with a large number of neighbors to search. These usually have very similar neighborhoods so there is nothing to be gained from searching all of them.

To balance accuracy and search time, the following procedure is carried out:

  1. The graph is "diversified" by occlusion pruning.

  2. The reverse graph is formed by reversing the direction of all edges in the pruned graph.

  3. The reverse graph is diversified by occlusion pruning.

  4. The pruned forward and pruned reverse graph are merged.

  5. The outdegree of each node in the merged graph is truncated.

  6. The truncated merged graph is returned as the prepared search graph.

Explicit zero distances in the graph will be converted to a small positive number to avoid being dropped in the sparse representation. The one exception is the "self" distance, i.e. any edge in the graph which links a node to itself (the diagonal of the sparse distance matrix). These trivial edges aren't useful for search purposes and are always dropped.


a search graph for data based on graph, represented as a sparse matrix, suitable for use with graph_knn_query().


Harwood, B., & Drummond, T. (2016). Fanng: Fast approximate nearest neighbour graphs. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 5713-5722).

Jayaram Subramanya, S., Devvrit, F., Simhadri, H. V., Krishnawamy, R., & Kadekodi, R. (2019). Diskann: Fast accurate billion-point nearest neighbor search on a single node. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 32.

See Also



# 100 reference iris items
iris_ref <- iris[iris$Species %in% c("setosa", "versicolor"), ]

# 50 query items
iris_query <- iris[iris$Species == "versicolor", ]

# First, find the approximate 4-nearest neighbor graph for the references:
ref_ann_graph <- nnd_knn(iris_ref, k = 4)

# Create a graph for querying with
ref_search_graph <- prepare_search_graph(iris_ref, ref_ann_graph)

# Using the search graph rather than the ref_ann_graph directly may give
# more accurate or faster results
iris_query_nn <- graph_knn_query(
  query = iris_query, reference = iris_ref,
  reference_graph = ref_search_graph, k = 4, metric = "euclidean",
  verbose = TRUE

[Package rnndescent version 0.1.6 Index]