Nearest Neighbor Descent Method for Approximate Nearest Neighbors

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Documentation for package ‘rnndescent’ version 0.1.5

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brute_force_knn Find exact nearest neighbors by brute force
brute_force_knn_query Query exact nearest neighbors by brute force
graph_knn_query Query a search graph for nearest neighbors
k_occur Quantify hubness of a nearest neighbor graph
merge_knn Merge multiple approximate nearest neighbors graphs
neighbor_overlap Overlap between the indices of two nearest neighbor graphs
nnd_knn Find nearest neighbors using nearest neighbor descent
prepare_search_graph Convert a nearest neighbor graph into a search graph
random_knn Find nearest neighbors by random selection
random_knn_query Query nearest neighbors by random selection
rnnd_build Build approximate nearest neighbors index and neighbor graph
rnnd_knn Find approximate nearest neighbors
rnnd_query Query an index for approximate nearest neighbors
rpf_build Create a random projection forest nearest neighbor index
rpf_filter Keep the best trees in a random projection forest
rpf_knn Find nearest neighbors using a random projection forest
rpf_knn_query Query a random projection forest index for nearest neighbors