bouquet |
Bouquet plot |
colon_lev |
A dataset from a landmark colon cancer trial |
hfaction |
A dataset from the HF-ACTION trial |
ms |
Create a multistate event object |
plot.rmtfit |
Plot the estimated treatment effect curve |
print.rmtfit |
Print a short summary of rmtfit objects |
print.summary.rmtfit |
Print method for summary.rmtfit objects |
rec |
Create a recurrent event object |
rmtfit |
Estimate restricted mean times in favor of treatment |
rmtfit.default |
Estimate restricted mean times in favor of treatment |
rmtfit.formula |
Estimate restricted mean times in favor of treatment |
rmtfit.object |
Estimated restricted mean times in favor of treatment |
summary.rmtfit |
Summary of the analysis results |