Rank-Based Estimation and Prediction in Random Effects Nested Models

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Documentation for package ‘rlme’ version 0.5

Help Pages

rlme-package rlme
beta_var Estimate fixed-effect variance for Joint Rank Method (JR) in three-level nested design.
compare.fits Compare Fits
dispvar Rank-based dispersion estimate.
fitdvcov Fitdvcov
GEER_est GEER: General Estimating Equation Rank-Based Estimation Method
getgrstplot Q-Q Plot and Standardized Residual Plot for the GR fit.
getlmestplot Q-Q Plot and Standardized Residual Plot for the REML or ML fit.
GR_est GR Method
hbrwts_gr HBR Weight
instruction Instruction
JR_est JR Method
lmr Rank Based Fixed Effect Regression
LM_est Linear Model Estimation using the nlme package.
minimize_dispersion Minimize Dispersion Function
plot.rlme Plot rlme Fit
rhosch Cluster Correlation Coefficient Estimate
rhosect Subcluster Correlation Coefficient Estimate
rlme Rank-based Estimates for Mixed-Effects Nested Models
rpr Cluster and Subcluster effects
rprmeddis Rprmeddis
schools PISA Literacy Data
stanresidgr Calculate Standard Residuals
summary.rlme rlme Summary
wilonestep Wilcoxon estimate for independent linear models
wilstep Wilcoxon One Step Rank-based Estimate in GR Method