histo {rhosp}R Documentation

plot the histogram of the variable T


plot of the random variable T and the equivalent function (t>CRexp(Rt)t->CR*exp(-R*t)). in some cases, there are also plotted the theoretical and the De Vielder functions


histo(X, disXi = NULL, disP = NULL, plotDV = FALSE)



a list with the following components : T the observation of the random variable ; R the risk constant (estimated or theoretical calculated) ; CR the risk constand deduced from R ; lambdaEmp the estimation of the lambda of the De Vielder method (only available if DV=TRUE and if there is no problem with De Vielder method) ; muEmp the estimation of the mu of the De Vielder method (only available if DV=TRUE); lambdaHat the best estimation of lambda : the ESBVM of lambda ; muHat the best estimation of mu : the value of mu which maximize the loglikelihood (only available if the parametric estimation has been done)


the distribution of the variable Xi : disXi is a 3 elements list : rangen stands for a random positive variable generator ; nbparam for number of parameter of this distribution and param for a list of parameters


he side effect probability (success probability of Zi) p : disP is a 3 elements list : disfun stands for a distribution function ; nbparam for number of parameter of this distribution and param for a list of parameters


a logical for : do you want to plot the De Vielder "function"


a NULL object.


Christophe Dutang and Julie Barthes


#use mainSimul to make the first argument
arg1Exp <- list(rangen=rexp,nbparam=1,param=list(1/3));
arg1Bin <- list(rangen=rbinom,nbparam=2,param=list(1,1/20));
arg1Unif <- list(rangen=runif,nbparam=2,param=list(0,20));
arg1Lnorm <- list(rangen=rlnorm,nbparam=2,param=list(1/4,1));

arg2Exp <- list(disfun=pexp,nbparam=1,param=list(1/5));
arg2Cst <- list(disfun=pcst <- function(x,p) p ,nbparam=1,param=list(1/3));
arg2Comp <- list(disfun=pcomp <- function(x,mu1,mu2,mu3)
{1-1/3*exp(-mu1* x)-1/2*exp(-mu2 *x)-1/6*exp(-mu3 *x)}
arg2Gamma <- list(disfun=pgamma,nbparam=2,param=list(3,1/3));
arg2Lnorm <- list(disfun=plnorm,nbparam=2,param=list(1/20,2));

T <- mainSimul(100,100,arg1Exp,arg2Exp)


[Package rhosp version 1.10 Index]