Side Effect Risks in Hospital : Simulation and Estimation

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Documentation for package ‘rhosp’ version 1.10

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adequadExp test the adequation of a random variable to the exponential distribution
calcErrorDV compute the bias, variance of the De Vielder approximation
calcErrorNonParam compute the bias, variance of the non parametric estimator
calcErrorParam compute the bias, variance of the non parametric estimator
DV implements the De Vielder approximation
estimDV compute the De Vielder estimator
estimNonParam compute the parametric estimation
estimParam compute the parametric estimation
histo plot the histogram of the variable T
KM plots a survival function with a Kaplan Meier variant
mainSimul simulate many times the first model and calculate the risk constant
mainSimul2 simulate many times the second model
makeSample create a sample of the first model stored in a file
makeSample2 create a sample of the second model stored in a file
simul simulate the first model of the hospital risk
simul2 simulate the second model of the hospital risk
Table make an array of bias, variance and R for different distribution and estimators