stability {reverseR}R Documentation

Calculates stability values for results of 'lmInfl', 'lmMult' and 'lmThresh'


This function calculates stability values for LOO (lmInfl), LMO (lmMult) and response value shifting/addition (lmThresh).


stability(x, pval = FALSE, ...) 



a result of either lmInfl, lmMult or lmThresh.


logical. If TRUE, for lmThresh, objects an exact p-value is calculated for a future response to reverse significance.


other parameters, not yet implemented.


For results of lmInfl:
A [0, 1]-bounded stability measure S=1nNS = 1-\frac{n}{N}, with nn = number of influencers (significance reversers) and NN = total number of response values.

For results of lmMult:
For each 1...max, the percentage of all resamples that did *NOT* result in significance reversal.

For results of lmThresh:
A [0, 1]-bounded stability measure S=1nNS = 1-\frac{n}{N}, with nn = number of response values where one of the ends of the significance region is within the prediction interval and NN = total number of response values.
If pval = TRUE, the exact p-value is calculated in the following manner:

1) Mean square error (MSE) and prediction standard error (se) are calculated from the linear model:

MSE=i=1n(yiy^i)2n2sei=MSE(1+1n+(xixˉi)2i=1n(xixˉi)2)\mathrm{MSE} = \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{(y_i - \hat{y}_i)^2}{n-2} \quad\quad \mathrm{se}_i = \sqrt{\mathrm{MSE} \cdot \left(1 + \frac{1}{n} + \frac{(x_i - \bar{x}_i)^2}{\sum_{i=1}^n (x_i - \bar{x}_i)^2}\right)}

2) Upper and lower prediction intervals boundaries are calculated for each y^i\hat{y}_i:

y^i±Qt(α/2,n2)sei\hat{y}_i \pm Q_t(\alpha/2, n-2) \cdot \rm{se}_i

The prediction interval around y^i\hat{y}_i is a scaled/shifted tt-distribution with density function

Ptss(y,n2)=1seiPt(yy^isei,n2)P_{tss}(y, n-2) = \frac{1}{\rm{se}_i} \cdot P_t\left(\frac{y - \hat{y}_i}{\rm{se}_i}, n-2\right)

, where PtP_t is the density function of the central, unit-variance tt-distribution.
3) The probability of either shifting the response value (if lmThresh(..., newobs = FALSE)) or including a future response value y2iy_{2i} (if lmThresh(..., newobs = TRUE)) to reverse the significance of the linear model is calculated as the integral between the end of the significance region (eosr) and the upper/lower α/2,1α/2\alpha/2, 1-\alpha/2 prediction interval:

P(reverse)=eosr1α/2Ptss(y,n2)dyorα/2eosrPtss(y,n2)dyP(\mathrm{reverse}) = \int_{\mathrm{eosr}}^{1-\alpha/2} P_{tss}(y, n-2)dy \quad \mathrm{or} \quad \int_{\alpha/2}^{\mathrm{eosr}} P_{tss}(y, n-2)dy


The stability value.


Andrej-Nikolai Spiess


## See examples in 'lmInfl' and 'lmThresh'.

## The implemented strategy of calculating the
## probability of significance reversal, as explained above
## and compared to 'stabPlot'.
a <- 1:20
b <- 5 + 0.08 * a + rnorm(length(a), 0, 1)
LM1 <- lm(b ~ a)
res1 <- lmThresh(LM1, newobs = TRUE)
st1 <- stability(res1, pval = TRUE)

## Let's check that the prediction interval encompasses 95%:
dt.scaled <- function(x, df, mu, s) 1/s * dt((x - mu)/s, df)
integrate(dt.scaled, lower = st1$stats[1, "lower"], st1$stats[1, "upper"], 
          df = 18, mu = st1$stats[1, "fitted"], s = st1$stats[1, "se"])
## => 0.95 with absolute error < 8.4e-09

## This is the interval between "end of significance region" and upper 
## prediction boundary:
integrate(dt.scaled, lower = st1$stats[1, "eosr.2"], st1$stats[1, "upper"], 
          df = 18, mu = st1$stats[1, "fitted"], s = st1$stats[1, "se"])
## => 0.09264124 with absolute error < 1e-15

## We can recheck this value by P(B) - P(A):
pt.scaled <- function(x, df, mu, s) pt((x - mu)/s, df)
pA <- pt.scaled(x = st1$stats[1, "eosr.2"], df =  18, mu = st1$stats[1, "fitted"], 
                s = st1$stats[1, "se"])
0.975 - pA 
##  => 0.09264124 as above

[Package reverseR version 0.1 Index]