inflPlot |
Several diagnostic plots for checking p-value influencers |
lmExact |
Create random values that deliver linear regressions with exact parameters |
lmInfl |
Checks and analyzes leave-one-out (LOO) p-values in linear regression |
lmMult |
Checks and analyzes leave-multiple-out (LMO) p-values in linear regression |
lmPlot |
Several diagnostic plots for checking p-value influencers |
lmThresh |
Finds and analyzes significance reversal regions for each response value |
multPlot |
Several diagnostic plots for checking p-value influencers |
pvalPlot |
Several diagnostic plots for checking p-value influencers |
shinyInfl |
Initializes a Shiny App with all implemented methods of this package |
simInfl |
Simulates significance reversals and calculates their influence parameters |
slsePlot |
Several diagnostic plots for checking p-value influencers |
stability |
Calculates stability values for results of 'lmInfl', 'lmMult' and 'lmThresh' |
stabPlot |
Several diagnostic plots for checking p-value influencers |
threshPlot |
Several diagnostic plots for checking p-value influencers |