conda-tools {reticulate}R Documentation

Conda Tools


Tools for managing Python conda environments.


conda_list(conda = "auto")

  envname = NULL,
  packages = NULL,
  forge = TRUE,
  channel = character(),
  environment = NULL,
  conda = "auto",
  python_version = miniconda_python_version(),
  additional_create_args = character()

conda_clone(envname, ..., clone = "base", conda = "auto")

  file = if (json) "environment.json" else "environment.yml",
  json = FALSE,
  conda = "auto"

conda_remove(envname, packages = NULL, conda = "auto")

  envname = NULL,
  forge = TRUE,
  channel = character(),
  pip = FALSE,
  pip_options = character(),
  pip_ignore_installed = FALSE,
  conda = "auto",
  python_version = NULL,
  additional_create_args = character(),
  additional_install_args = character(),

conda_binary(conda = "auto")

conda_exe(conda = "auto")

conda_version(conda = "auto")

conda_update(conda = "auto")

conda_python(envname = NULL, conda = "auto", all = FALSE)

  forge = TRUE,
  channel = character(),
  conda = "auto",

condaenv_exists(envname = NULL, conda = "auto")



The path to a conda executable. Use "auto" to allow reticulate to automatically find an appropriate conda binary. See Finding Conda and conda_binary() for more details.


The name of, or path to, a conda environment.


A character vector, indicating package names which should be installed or removed. Use ⁠<package>==<version>⁠ to request the installation of a specific version of a package. A NULL value for conda_remove() will be interpretted to "--all", removing the entire environment.


Optional arguments, reserved for future expansion.


Boolean; include the conda-forge repository?


An optional character vector of conda channels to include. When specified, the forge argument is ignored. If you need to specify multiple channels, including the conda forge, you can use ⁠c("conda-forge", <other channels>)⁠.


The path to an environment definition, generated via (for example) conda_export(), or via ⁠conda env export⁠. When provided, the conda environment will be created using this environment definition, and other arguments will be ignored.


The version of Python to be installed. Set this if you'd like to change the version of Python associated with a particular conda environment.


An optional character vector of additional arguments to use in the call to ⁠conda create⁠.


The name of the conda environment to be cloned.


The path where the conda environment definition will be written.


Boolean; should the environment definition be written as JSON? By default, conda exports environments as YAML.


Boolean; use pip for package installation? By default, packages are installed from the active conda channels.


An optional character vector of additional command line arguments to be passed to pip. Only relevant when pip = TRUE.


Ignore already-installed versions when using pip? (defaults to FALSE). Set this to TRUE so that specific package versions can be installed even if they are downgrades. The FALSE option is useful for situations where you don't want a pip install to attempt an overwrite of a conda binary package (e.g. SciPy on Windows which is very difficult to install via pip due to compilation requirements).


An optional character vector of additional arguments to use in the call to ⁠conda install⁠.


Boolean; report all instances of Python found?


A conda MatchSpec query string.


conda_list() returns an R data.frame, with name giving the name of the associated environment, and python giving the path to the Python binary associated with that environment.

conda_create() returns the path to the Python binary associated with the newly-created conda environment.

conda_clone() returns the path to Python within the newly-created conda environment.

conda_export() returns the path to the exported environment definition, invisibly.

conda_search() returns an R data.frame describing packages that matched against matchspec. The data frame will usually include fields name giving the package name, version giving the package version, build giving the package build, and channel giving the channel the package is hosted on.

Finding Conda

Most of reticulate's conda APIs accept a conda parameter, used to control the conda binary used in their operation. When conda = "auto", reticulate will attempt to automatically find a conda installation. The following locations are searched, in order:

  1. The location specified by the reticulate.conda_binary R option,

  2. The location specified by the RETICULATE_CONDA environment variable,

  3. The miniconda_path() location (if it exists),

  4. The program PATH,

  5. A set of pre-defined locations where conda is typically installed.

To force reticulate to use a particular conda binary, we recommend setting:

options(reticulate.conda_binary = "/path/to/conda")

This can be useful if your conda installation lives in a location that reticulate is unable to automatically discover.

[Package reticulate version 1.38.0 Index]