A C D E I M N P R S T U V W misc
array_reshape | Reshape an Array |
as.character.python.builtin.bytes | Convert Python bytes to an R character vector |
as_iterator | Traverse a Python iterator or generator |
conda-tools | Conda Tools |
condaenv_exists | Conda Tools |
conda_binary | Conda Tools |
conda_clone | Conda Tools |
conda_create | Conda Tools |
conda_exe | Conda Tools |
conda_export | Conda Tools |
conda_install | Conda Tools |
conda_list | Conda Tools |
conda_python | Conda Tools |
conda_remove | Conda Tools |
conda_search | Conda Tools |
conda_update | Conda Tools |
conda_version | Conda Tools |
configure_environment | Configure a Python Environment |
dict | Create Python dictionary |
eng_python | A reticulate Engine for Knitr |
import | Import a Python module |
import_builtins | Import a Python module |
import_from_path | Import a Python module |
import_main | Import a Python module |
install_miniconda | Install Miniconda |
install_python | Install Python |
iterate | Traverse a Python iterator or generator |
iter_next | Traverse a Python iterator or generator |
miniconda_path | Path to Miniconda |
miniconda_uninstall | Remove Miniconda |
miniconda_update | Update Miniconda |
nameOfClass.python.builtin.type | 'nameOfClass()' for Python objects |
np_array | NumPy array |
py | Interact with the Python Main Module |
PyClass | Create a python class |
py_available | Check if Python is available on this system |
py_bool | Python Truthiness |
py_capture_output | Capture and return Python output |
py_clear_last_error | Get or (re)set the last Python error encountered. |
py_config | Python configuration |
py_del_attr | Delete an attribute of a Python object |
py_del_item | Get/Set/Delete an item from a Python object |
py_dict | Create Python dictionary |
py_discover_config | Discover the version of Python to use with reticulate. |
py_ellipsis | The builtin constant Ellipsis |
py_eval | Evaluate a Python Expression |
py_exe | Python executable |
py_func | Wrap an R function in a Python function with the same signature. |
py_function_custom_scaffold | Custom Scaffolding of R Wrappers for Python Functions |
py_get_attr | Get an attribute of a Python object |
py_get_item | Get/Set/Delete an item from a Python object |
py_has_attr | Check if a Python object has an attribute |
py_help | Documentation for Python Objects |
py_id | Unique identifer for Python object |
py_install | Install Python packages |
py_is_null_xptr | Check if a Python object is a null externalptr |
py_iterator | Create a Python iterator from an R function |
py_last_error | Get or (re)set the last Python error encountered. |
py_len | Length of Python object |
py_list_attributes | List all attributes of a Python object |
py_list_packages | List installed Python packages |
py_load_object | Save and Load Python Objects |
py_main_thread_func | Create a Python function that will always be called on the main thread |
py_module_available | Check if a Python module is available on this system. |
py_none | The Python None object |
py_numpy_available | Check if Python is available on this system |
py_repr | String representation of a python object. |
py_run | Run Python code |
py_run_file | Run Python code |
py_run_string | Run Python code |
py_save_object | Save and Load Python Objects |
py_set_attr | Set an attribute of a Python object |
py_set_item | Get/Set/Delete an item from a Python object |
py_set_seed | Set Python and NumPy random seeds |
py_str | String representation of a python object. |
py_suppress_warnings | Suppress Python warnings for an expression |
py_to_r | Convert between Python and R objects |
py_unicode | Convert to Python Unicode Object |
py_validate_xptr | Check if a Python object is a null externalptr |
py_version | Python version |
r-py-conversion | Convert between Python and R objects |
repl_python | Run a Python REPL |
r_to_py | Convert between Python and R objects |
source_python | Read and evaluate a Python script |
tuple | Create Python tuple |
use_condaenv | Use Python |
use_miniconda | Use Python |
use_python | Use Python |
use_python_version | Use Python |
use_virtualenv | Use Python |
virtualenv-tools | Interface to Python Virtual Environments |
virtualenv_create | Interface to Python Virtual Environments |
virtualenv_exists | Interface to Python Virtual Environments |
virtualenv_install | Interface to Python Virtual Environments |
virtualenv_list | Interface to Python Virtual Environments |
virtualenv_python | Interface to Python Virtual Environments |
virtualenv_remove | Interface to Python Virtual Environments |
virtualenv_root | Interface to Python Virtual Environments |
virtualenv_starter | Interface to Python Virtual Environments |
with.python.builtin.object | Evaluate an expression within a context. |
!.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
!=.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
%%.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
%*%.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
%/%.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
&.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
*.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
+.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
-.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
/.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
<.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
<=.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
==.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
>.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
>=.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
[.python.builtin.object | Get/Set/Delete an item from a Python object |
[<-.python.builtin.object | Get/Set/Delete an item from a Python object |
^.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |
|.python.builtin.object | S3 Ops Methods for Python Objects |