Reservoir Computing and Echo State Networks

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Documentation for package ‘reservoirnet’ version 0.2.0

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%>>% Takes two nodes and applies python operator '>>'
chevron Takes two nodes and applies python operator '>>'
createNode Function to create some node
dfCovid Datagouv covid-19 dataset
generate_data Load data from the 'Japanese vowels' or the 'Mackey-Glass'
install_reservoirpy Install reservoirpy
link Link two :py:class:'~.Node' instances to form a :py:class:'~.Model' instance. 'node1' output will be used as input for 'node2' in the created model. This is similar to a function composition operation:
plot.reservoir_predict_seq plot.reservoir_predict_seq
plot_2x2_perf plot_2x2_perf
plot_marginal_perf plot_marginal_perf
plot_perf_22 plot_perf_22
predict_seq Run the node-forward function on a sequence of data
print.summary.reservoirR_fit reservoirR_fit print summary
random_search_hyperparam random_search_hyperparam
reservoirR_fit Offline fitting method of a Node
rloguniform rloguniform
summary.reservoirR_fit reservoirR_fit summary
summary.reservoir_predict_seq summary.reservoir_predict_seq