reproducibleOptions {reproducible}R Documentation

reproducible options


These provide top-level, powerful settings for a comprehensive reproducible workflow. To see defaults, run reproducibleOptions(). See Details below.




Below are options that can be set with options("" = newValue), where xxx is one of the values below, and newValue is a new value to give the option. Sometimes these options can be placed in the user's .Rprofile file so they persist between sessions.

The following options are likely of interest to most users:


Default: TRUE. Used in clearCache() and keepCache().


Default: .reproducibleTempCacheDir. Used in Cache() and many others. The default path for repositories if not passed as an argument.


Default: "rds". What save format to use; currently, "qs" or "rds".


Default "slow". One of "slow" or "fast" (1 or 2). "slow" uses digest::digest internally, which is transferable across operating systems, but much slower than ⁠digest::digest(algo = "spooky)⁠. So, if all caching is happening on a single machine, "fast" would be a good setting.


Default: NULL. Sets a specific connection to a database, e.g., dbConnect(drv = RSQLite::SQLite()) or ⁠dbConnect(drv = RPostgres::Postgres()⁠. For remote database servers, setting one connection may be far faster than using drv which must make a new connection every time.


Default: NULL. Used in prepInputs() and preProcess(). Can be set globally here.


Default: RSQLite::SQLite(). Sets the default driver for the backend database system. Only tested with RSQLite::SQLite() and RPostgres::Postgres().


Default: FALSE. On Linux OSes, Cache and cloudCache have some functionality that uses the future package. Default is to not use these, as they are experimental. They may, however, be very effective in speeding up some things, specifically, uploading cached elements via googledrive in cloudCache.


Default: FALSE. Experimental. During postProcessTo the standard approach is to use terra functions directly, with several strategic uses of sf. However, in the special case when from is a SpatRaster or Raster, maskTo is a SpatVector or SFC_POLYGON and projectTo is a SpatRaster or Raster, setting this option to TRUE will use sf::gdal_utils("warp"). In many test cases, this is much faster than the terra sequence. The resulting SpatRaster is not identical, but it is very similar.


Default: 2. This will set ⁠-wo NUM_THREADS=⁠ to this number. Default is now 2, meaning gdalwarp will use 2 threads with gdalProject. To turn off threading, set to 0, 1 or NA.


Default: NULL. Used in prepInputs() and preProcess(). If set to a path, this will cause these functions to save their downloaded and preprocessed file to this location, with a hardlink (via to the file created in the destinationPath. This can be used so that individual projects that use common data sets can maintain modularity (by placing downloaded objects in their destinationPath, but also minimize re-downloading the same (perhaps large) file over and over for each project. Because the files are hardlinks, there is no extra space taken up by the apparently duplicated files.


Default: FALSE. Used in prepInputs() and preProcess(). Should the reproducible.inputPaths be searched recursively for existence of a file?


Default: FALSE. Used in Cache(). Should the memoised copy of the Cache objects persist even if reproducible reloads e.g., via devtools::load_all? This is mostly useful for developers of reproducible. If TRUE, a object named paste0(".reproducibleMemoise_", cachePath) will be placed in the .GlobalEnv, i.e., one for each cachePath.


Default: 1. The number of threads to use for reading/writing cache files.


Default: TRUE. Logical. If TRUE, then object sizes will be included in the cache database. Simplying calculating object size of large objects can be time consuming, so setting this to FALSE will make caching up to 10% faster, depending on the objects.


Default: FALSE. Used in prepInputs(), preProcess(), downloadFile(), and postProcess().


Default: FALSE. Used in Cache(). This will cause Cache to use file.size(file) instead of the digest::digest(file). Less robust to changes, but faster. NOTE: this will only affect objects on disk.


Used during prepInputs when reading .tif, .grd, and .asc files. Default: terra::rast. Can be raster::raster for backwards compatibility. Can be set using environment variable R_REPRODUCIBLE_RASTER_READ.


Default NULL. Used during prepInputs when reading a .shp file. If NULL, it will use sf::st_read if sf package is available; otherwise, it will use raster::shapefile


Default FALSE. Passed to Cache.


Default 1200. Used in preProcess when downloading occurs. If a user has R.utils package installed, R.utils::withTimeout( , timeout = getOption("reproducible.timeout")) will be wrapped around the download so that it will timeout (and error) after this many seconds.


Default: TRUE. Used in Cache(). If FALSE, then the entire Cache machinery is skipped and the functions are run as if there was no Cache occurring. Can also take 2 other values: 'overwrite' and 'devMode'. 'overwrite' will cause no recovery of objects from the cache repository, only new ones will be created. If the hash is identical to a previous one, then this will overwrite the previous one. 'devMode' will function as normally Cache except it will use the userTags to determine if a previous function has been run. If the userTags are identical, but the digest value is different, the old value will be deleted from the cache repository and this new value will be added. This addresses a common situation during the development stage: functions are changing frequently, so any entry in the cache repository will be stale following changes to functions, i.e., they will likely never be relevant again. This will therefore keep the cache repository clean of stale objects. If there is ambiguity in the userTags, i.e., they do not uniquely identify a single entry in the cachePath, then this option will default back to the non-dev-mode behaviour to avoid deleting objects. This, therefore, is most useful if the user is using unique values for userTags.


Default FALSE. Passed to Cache.


Default: TRUE if DBI is available. Default value can be overridden by setting environment variable R_REPRODUCIBLE_USE_DBI. As of version 0.3, the backend is now DBI instead of archivist.


Default: FALSE. If a user provides a Google Drive url to preProcess/prepInputs, reproducible will use the googledrive package. This works reliably in most cases. However, for large files on unstable internet connections, it will stall and stop the download with no error. If a user is finding this behaviour, they can install the gdown package, making sure it is available on the PATH. This call to gdown will only work for files that do not need authentication. If authentication is needed, dlGoogle will fall back to googledrive::drive_download, even if this option is TRUE, with a message. .


Default: FALSE. Used in Cache(). If TRUE, recovery of cached elements from the cachePath will use memoise::memoise. This means that the 2nd time running a function will be much faster than the first in a session (which either will create a new cache entry to disk or read a cached entry from disk). NOTE: memoised values are removed when the R session is restarted. This option will use more RAM and so may need to be turned off if RAM is limiting. clearCache of any sort will cause all memoising to be 'forgotten' (memoise::forget).


Default: 1. Option 1 is the version that has existed for sometime. There is now an option 2 which is substantially faster. It will, however, create Caches that are not compatible with previous ones. Options 1 and 2 are not compatible with the earlier 0. 1 and 2 will make Cache less sensitive to minor but irrelevant changes (like changing the order of arguments) and will work successfully across operating systems (especially relevant for the new cloudCache function.


Default: FALSE. The GIS operations in postProcess, by default use primarily the Raster package. The newer terra package does similar operations, but usually faster. A user can now set this option to TRUE and prepInputs and several components of postProcess will use terra internally.


Default: FALSE. If set to TRUE then every Cache call will show a summary of the objects being cached, their object.size and the time it took to digest them and also the time it took to run the call and save the call to the cache repository or load the cached copy from the repository. This may help diagnosing some problems that may occur.


This function returns a list of all the options that the reproducible package sets and uses. See below for details of each.


The following options are likely not needed by a user.


Default: file.path(dirname(.reproducibleTempCacheDir()), "checksums.rds"). Used as an experimental argument in Cache()


Default: Inf. Used in Cache(), specifically to the internal calls to CacheDigest(). This is passed to digest::digest. Mostly this would be changed from default Inf if the digesting is taking too long. Use this with caution, as some objects will have many NA values in their first many elements


Default: "". User agent for downloads using this package.

[Package reproducible version 2.1.0 Index]