MadeyskiLewowski.IndustryRelevantGitHubJavaProjects20191022 {reproducer} | R Documentation |
MadeyskiLewowski.IndustryRelevantGitHubJavaProjects20191022 data
This data is used in the paper: Tomasz Lewowski and Lech Madeyski, 'How do software engineering data sets evolve? A reproduction study', 2020 (submitted). Generated by: token <- '...' MadeyskiLewowski.IndustryRelevantGitHubJavaProjects20191022<-searchForIndustryRelevantGitHubProjects(token, '2019-03-01', '2018-08-01') usethis::use_data(MadeyskiLewowski.IndustryRelevantGitHubJavaProjects20191022)
A text file with variables:
- rowID
unique id assigned to projects before filtering (source: API)
- id
GitHub repository ID (source: API)
- repository owner
the organization or user owning the repository (source: API)
- project name
name of the project (source: API)
- manual
link to best found project documentation - wiki, webpage, documentation directory or readme. Projects with limited documentation were marked with (limited) and ones that had documentation in Chinese - (Chinese) (source: manual)
- installation
the recommended installation medium(s) for the project. Some mediums may be missing for projects with multiple recommendations. (source: manual)
- support
channel(s) that can be used to get support and/or report bugs. Some channels may be missing for projects with multiple ones. Abbreviations used (source: manual): GH GitHub Issues SO Stack Overflow GG Google Groups ML Mailing list FB Facebook MM Mattermost LI LinkedIn ? not found
- is not sample/playground/docs/...
1 if the project is an actual application or library, 0 if it is a set of samples, only documentation or some experimental area (source: manual)
- is industrial
whether the project can be treated as industrial quality one. Values and their meanings: 1 the repository can be classified as industrial grade; 0,5 the repository can sometimes be classified as industrial grade, but it is either a minor project or its documentation or support may be lacking the depth; 0 the repository cannot be classified as industrial-grade; -1 the repository is no longer actively maintained as of the date of data acquisition; -2 the repository is no longer in Java as of the date of data acquisition. (source: manual)
- createdAt
the date at which the repository was created (source: API)
- updatedAt
the date of last repository update - including changes in projects, watchers, issues etc. (source: API)
- pushedAt
the date of last push to the repository - NOT the date of last pushed commit (source: API)
- diskUsage
total number of bytes on disk that are needed to store the repository (source: API)
- forkCount
number of existing repository forks (independent copies managed by other entities) (source: API)
- isArchived
true if the repository is archived (no longer maintained), false otherwise (source: API)
- isFork
true if the repository is a fork (not the main repository), false otherwise (source: API)
- isMirror
true if the repository is a mirror, false otherwise (source: API)
- sshUrlOfRepository
URL that can be used to immediately clone the repository (source: API)
name of license under which the project is distributed. Names are the same as in (source: API)
- commitSHA
unique Git identifier of commit that was top of the main branch at the time of data acquisition (source: API)
number of commits on the default branch in the repository (usually master) at the time of data acquisition (source: API)
- stargazers.totalCount
number of stargazers for the repository at the time of data acquisition (source: API)
- watchers.totalCount
number of watchers for the repository at the time of data acquisition (source: API)
- languages.totalSize
total size of all source code files (source: API)
- Java.byte.count
total size of Java files (source: API)
- Language
main programming language used in the repository, i.e. one that the most code is written in (source: API)
- searchQuery
query used during search that obtained this project (source: API)