KitchenhamMadeyskiBudgen16.SubjectData {reproducer} | R Documentation |
If you use this data set please cite this R package and the following paper when accepted: Barbara Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski, David Budgen, Jacky Keung, Pearl Brereton, Stuart Charters, Shirley Gibbs, and Amnart Pohthong, 'Robust Statistical Methods for Empirical Software Engineering', Empirical Software Engineering, vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 579–630, 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s10664-016-9437-5 (, URL:
A data frame with variables:
- Judge
Alphanumeric identifier for each judge
- Institution
Numerical value identifying each site from which data was collected
- JudgeID
Numerical value identifying each judge
- Age
Age of the judge in years
- Eng1st
Whether the judge's first language was Enlish: Yes/No
- YearsStudy
The number of years have student been studying computing at University: 1, 2, 3, 4
- AbstractsRead
Number of abstracts the judge had read prior to the study' 0, 1 to 10, 10+
- AbstractsWritten
Whether the judge had ever written an abstract for a scientific report/article
- AbstractID
Alphanumeric identifier for an abstract. The first character identifies the journal, I=IST, J=JSS, the third digit identifies the time period as 1 or 2, the remaining digits identify the abstract number within the set of abstracts found for the specified journal and time period
- Treat
The initial 3 characters of AbstractID
- TreatID
A numeric identifier for the journal and time period, 1=IB1, 2=IB2, 3=JB1, 4=JB2
- Order
The order in which the judge should have viewed the specified abstract
- Completness1NumValue
The numeric answer to completeness question 1
- Completness2NumValue
The numeric answer to completeness question 2
- Completness3NumValue
The numeric answer to completeness question 3
- Completness4NumValue
The numeric answer to completeness question 4
- Completness5NumValue
The numeric answer to completeness question 5
- Completness6NumValue
The numeric answer to completeness question 6
- Completness7NumValue
The numeric answer to completeness question 7
- Completness8NumValue
The numeric answer to completeness question 8
- Clarity
The response to the clarity question or NA if not answered
- NumberOfAnsweredCompletnessQuestions
The number of completeness questions excluding those with NA
- TotalScore
Sum of the numeric values of the 8 completeness questions
- MeanScore
Sum of the completeness questions 1 to 8 divided by TotalScore
- Site
The name of the site which provided the data. HongKong refers to the Polytechnic University, HongKong.2 refers to the City University
Data set collected from 16 judges assessing 4 abstracts at 6 sites: Lincoln University NZ=1, Hong Kong Polytechnic University=2, PSu Thailand=3, Durham=4, Keele=5, Hong Kong City University=6
subjectdata.txt: Judge Institution JudgeID age eng1st Absid Treat TreatID Order Com.1 Com.2 Com.3 Com.4 Com.5 Com.6 Com.7 Com.8 Clarity num.questions total.score av.score Site