KitchenhamEtAl.CorrelationsAmongParticipants.Scanniello14TOSEM {reproducer}R Documentation

KitchenhamEtAl.CorrelationsAmongParticipants.Scanniello14TOSEM data


Data illustrate correlations between results from individual participants in a family of four cross-over experiments conducted by Scanniello et al: [1] G. Scanniello, C. Gravino, M. Genero, J.A. Cruz-Lemus, and G. Tortora, 'On the Impact of UML Analysis Models on Source-Code Comprehensibility and Modifiability', ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodlogy, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 13:1-13:26, 2014 The family of experiments investigated whether the availability of analysis models in addition to the source code made the code easier to understand and modify. If you use this data set please cite: [1] G. G. Scanniello, C. Gravino, M. Genero, J.A. Cruz-Lemus, and G. Tortora, 'On the Impact of UML Analysis Models on Source-Code Comprehensibility and Modifiability', ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 13:1-13:26, 2014 [2] Barbara Kitchenham, Lech Madeyski, Giuseppe Scanniello and Carmine Gravino, 'The importance of the Correlation between Results from Individual Participants in Crossover Experiments' (to be submitted as of 2020).




'KitchenhamEtAl.CorrelationsAmongParticipants.Scanniello14TOSEM': a data frame with 172 rows and 9 variables:


<fct> | ExperimentID: A unique identifier for each experiment in the data set.


<fct> | Participant ID: An identifier for each participant, unique for a specific experiment.


<fct> | Experimental Treatment: AM an Analysis Model with source code (AM) vs Source Code only (SC)


<fct> | Experimental Sequence Group: A (AM-SC,S1-S2), B (SC-AM,S1-S2), C(AM-SC,S2-S1), D(SC-AM,S2-S1)


<fct> | Software systems used in the experiment: S1 A system to sell and manage CDs/DVDs in a music shop, S2 A system to book and by theater tickets.


<dbl> | Dependent variable: The comprehension level the software engineer achieved based on the F-measure


<dbl> | Dependent variable: The modifiability level the software engineer achieved based on the F-measure


<fct> | Time period of the cross-over experiment: 1 or 2


<fct> | CrossOver category: For 4 group the crossover category specifies the matching pairs of sequence groups, CO1 and CO2. For 2 group crossover, the category is set to CO1 only



[Package reproducer version 0.5.3 Index]