tableContinuous {reporttools} | R Documentation |
Generate a LaTeX table of descriptive statistics for continuous variables
Many data analyses start with a display of descriptive statistics of important variables. This function takes a data frame of continuous variables and possible grouping (such as e.g. treatment), weighting, and subset variables and provides a LaTeX table of descriptive statistics separately per group and jointly for all observations, per variable. User-defined statistics can be provided.
tableContinuous(vars, weights = NA, subset = NA, group = NA,
stats = c("n", "min", "q1", "median", "mean", "q3", "max",
"s", "iqr", "na"), prec = 1, col.tit = NA,
col.tit.font = c("bf", "", "sf", "it", "rm"), print.pval =
c("none", "anova", "kruskal"), pval.bound = 10^-4, = 10^-10, cap = "", lab = "",
font.size = "footnotesize", longtable = TRUE,
disp.cols = NA, nams = NA, ...)
vars |
A data frame containing continuous variables. See |
weights |
Optional vector of weights of each observation. |
subset |
Optional logical vector, indicates subset of observations to be used. |
group |
Optional grouping variable. |
stats |
Specify which descriptive statistics should be displayed in the table, by either directly providing
one or more of the default character strings (in arbitrary order) or a user-defined function. A user-defined
function must bear a name, take a vector as an argument ( |
prec |
Specify number of decimals to be displayed. |
col.tit |
Specify titles of columns. Note that the length of this vector must be equal to the length of
col.tit.font |
If |
print.pval |
If |
pval.bound |
| |
Computed descriptive statistics (not |
cap |
The caption of the resulting LaTeX table. |
lab |
The label of the resulting LaTeX table. |
font.size |
Font size for the generated table in LaTeX. |
longtable |
If |
disp.cols |
Only included for backward compatibility. Needs to be a vector built of (some of) the default statistics
character strings if not equal to |
nams |
A vector of strings, containing the names corresponding to the variables in |
... |
Arguments pass through to |
Outputs the LaTeX table.
If either one of the arguments group
, weights
, or subset
is different from NA
and if vars
is a list, then it is assumed that all variables
in vars
are of equal length.
If longtable = TRUE
(which is the default), the function generates a table that may be more than one page
long, you need to include the package longtable in the LaTeX source.
If a list of variables is given to vars
, not all of these variables need to be of the same length. However,
note the Warning above.
Kaspar Rufibach (maintainer),,
Rufibach, K. (2009)
reporttools: R-Functions to Generate LaTeX Tables of Descriptive Statistics.
Journal of Statistical Software, Code Snippets, 31(1).
doi: 10.18637/jss.v031.c01.
vars <- CO2[, 4:5]
group <- CO2[, "Treatment"]
weights <- c(rep(1, 60), rep(0, 10), rep(2, 14))
## display default statistics, provide neither group nor weights
tableContinuous(vars = vars, stats = c("n", "min", "mean", "median",
"max", "iqr", "na"), print.pval = "kruskal",
cap = "Table of continuous variables.", lab = "tab: descr stat")
## display default statistics, only use a subset of observations, grouped analysis
tableContinuous(vars = vars, weights = weights, subset =
c(rep(TRUE, 57), rep(FALSE, 100 - 57)), group = group, prec = 3, print.pval =
"kruskal", cap = "Table of continuous variables.", lab = "tab: descr stat")
## supply user-defined statistics: trimmed mean and IQR as an unbiased estimate
## of the population standard deviation in case of normal data
my.stats <- list("n", "na", "mean", "$\\bar{x}_{trim}$" = function(x){return(mean(x,
trim = .05))}, "iqr", "IQR.unbiased" = function(x){return(IQR(x) /
(2 * qnorm(3 / 4)))})
tableContinuous(vars = vars, weights = weights, group = group, stats = my.stats,
prec = 3, print.pval = "none", cap = "Table of continuous variables.",
lab = "tab: descr stat")
## disp.cols and nams can still be used, for backward compatibility.
## If a list is given to vars, the variables can be of different length. However,
## then weights, subset, and group must be set to NA (the default).
tableContinuous(vars = list(CO2$conc, CO2$uptake, rnorm(1111), runif(2222)),
nams = c("conc", "uptake", "random1", "random2"), disp.cols =
c("n", "min", "median", "max", "iqr", "na"), cap = "Table of continuous variables.", lab =
"tab: descr stat")