Generate "LaTeX"" Tables of Descriptive Statistics

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Documentation for package ‘reporttools’ version 1.1.3

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reporttools-package Generate LaTeX Tables of Descriptive Statistics
addLineBreak Break lines in a text column of a dataframe.
attachPresAbs Attach levels absent and present to a 0-1 vector.
attachYesNo Attach levels no and yes to a 0-1 vector.
checkDateSuccession Check whether dates in two vectors are elementwise consecutive
colToMat Break a n * p data frame in a data frame with ceiling(n / cols) rows and cols * p columns
correctVarNames Modify all entries in a data frame such that xtable has no problems displaying them
disp Display vectors of numbers, especially targeted to vectors of p-values
displayCI Generate strings of a confidence interval from a matrix
displayCoxPH Function to display a coxph() object
displayCrossTabs Function to display a set of K x C frequency tables, including p-value
displayKbyC Function to display a K x C frequency table including col- and row-names and totals
eliminateNA Eliminate all observations with at least one NA in a data frame
formatPercent Format a numeric proportion.
formatPval Format P Values
getFonts Used by the tabulating functions to format column titles
math Enclose a string in math dollars
NAtoCategory Change NAs in a factor into a category
NAtoZero Change NAs in a vector into a given value.
nominalTest Compute Chi square or Fisher's exact test
pairwise.fisher.test Pairwise Fisher's exact test
reporttools Generate LaTeX Tables of Descriptive Statistics
tableContinuous Generate a LaTeX table of descriptive statistics for continuous variables
tableDate Display descriptive statistics for date variables
tableNominal Display descriptive statistics for nominal variables
transformVarNames Generate R-code assigning each variable in a data frame to its name
transformVarNames2 Generate R-code assigning each variable in a data frame to its name
twoGroupComparisons Compute a table with analysis of two groups comparisons
varNamesToChar Split a character string into variable names