'Entrez' in R

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Documentation for package ‘rentrez’ version 1.2.3

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rentrez-package rentrez
entrez_citmatch Fetch pubmed ids matching specially formatted citation strings
entrez_dbs List databases available from the NCBI
entrez_db_links List available links for records from a given NCBI database
entrez_db_searchable List available search fields for a given database
entrez_db_summary Retrieve summary information about an NCBI database
entrez_fetch Download data from NCBI databases
entrez_global_query Find the number of records that match a given term across all NCBI Entrez databases
entrez_info Get information about EUtils databases
entrez_link Get links to datasets related to records from an NCBI database
entrez_post Post IDs to Eutils for later use
entrez_search Search the NCBI databases using EUtils
entrez_summary Get summaries of objects in NCBI datasets from a unique ID
extract_from_esummary Extract elements from a list of esummary records
linkout_urls Extract URLs from an elink object
parse_pubmed_xml Summarize an XML record from pubmed.
rentrez rentrez
set_entrez_key Set the ENTREZ_KEY variable to be used by all rentrez functions