Regularized Structural Equation Modeling

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Documentation for package ‘regsem’ version 1.9.5

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cv_regsem The main function that runs multiple penalty values.
det_range Determine the initial range for stability selection
det_range_par Determine the initial range for stability selection, parallel version
efaModel Generates an EFA model to be used by lavaan and regsem Function created by Florian Scharf for the paper Should regularization replace simple structure rotation in Exploratory Factor Analysis - Scharf & Nestler (in press at SEM)
extractMatrices This function extracts RAM matrices from a lavaan object.
fit_indices Calculates the fit indices
multi_optim Multiple starts for Regularized Structural Equation Modeling
parse_parameters Takes either a vector of parameter ids or a vector of named parameters and returns a vector of parameter ids
pen_mod Penalized model syntax.
plot.cvregsem Plot function for cv_regsem
rcpp_fit_fun Calculates the objective function values.
rcpp_grad_ram Calculates the gradient vector based on Von Oertzen and Brick, 2014
rcpp_quasi_calc Compute quasi Hessian
rcpp_RAMmult Take RAM matrices, multiplies, and returns Implied Covariance matrix.
regsem Regularized Structural Equation Modeling. Tests a single penalty. For testing multiple penalties, see cv_regsem().
stabsel Stability selection
stabsel_par Stability selection, parallelized version
stabsel_thr Tuning the probability threshold.
summary.cvregsem print information about cvregsem object
summary.regsem Summary results from regsem.
xmed Function to performed exploratory mediation with continuous and categorical variables